Oct 31, 2005

Thoughts from the Weekend...

Some thoughts from the weekend:

-I have never been a huge supporter of Trader Joes over the years. I think I have been there once over the past 10 years. I was never really interested in all the stuff they had in there since it had a "organic hippy type food" reputation. But two weeks ago I stopped in one that is right next to my house and I absolutely love the place. The produce sucks, their cookies tastes like cardboard, and they do have a lot of crap in there that I'm afraid to even try, but I have found some great things.
  • Marinades- I'm tired of spending $6 for sauces that are just loaded with sugar and basically taste the same. The variety of sauces here are second to none and are outstanding.
  • Wine- I'm a borderline "wine snob", but I love trying small and obscure Cabs, Syrahs, and Pinots that are moderately priced. I have found some gems since I have moved out here that cost only $10 a bottle and rival the $40-$50 bottles, but since moving down to Orange County I have had some trouble finding these types of deals. Trader Joes has a large wine section with nothing but $10 bottles from small CA wineries. I spent close to 30 minutes yesterday trying to pick out 6 bottles to try out.
  • Cheeses- Since I'm struggling to fit into my size 38 pants, despite running 30-45 minutes a day, I have finally decided to cut back my intake of cheese. This is big for me. I think that is the main reason why I've been in a bad mood for the past several months. But then I found this Yogurt Cheese that is not that bad for you and actually tastes like cheese, unlike those other low fat cheeses. This alone will make me go back to the store each time.
  • Milk- For some reason milk is so expensive out here. Actually all diary products are expensive compared to back east. I usually pay $2.99 for one of those small 1/4 gallon containers, but Trader Joes has it for $1.49. Wow, I'm getting old when I'm actually excited about milk prices.
  • The Help- Everyone is so nice there. Its amazing. A young girl actually took the time to help me decide on which cookies and bread to buy. Unlike the unionized check out people at your normal stores, I've actually had some really nice conversations with the check out people. Who would of thought that hippies were so nice.
-Is this the first year where it is harder to pick the worse 5 teams instead of the top 5 teams? I mean who is worse; Baltimore, Cleveland, Minnesota, GB, Houston, Detroit, AZ, Jets, New Orleans, Miami, or San Fran. And you could even throw in Chicago despite them having a winning record. Who has Chicago beaten this year? Detroit twice, Baltimore, and Minnesota. Ugh.

-Bought a nice pair of Johnstone and Murphys about a month ago and they are tearing up my feet. Any ideas on how to soften a shoe so I don't bleed?

-So I really like the new Rev Run show on MTV. I was thinking about why I liked it so much and it dawned on me that reality TV is gone so far overboard, it is actually refreshing and unique to have a reality show about a family that is normal and has some sort of family structure. The Hulk Hogan show is like this and now we have Rev Run.

-Laguna Beach Update: So Jason cheats on LC during the next episode. Hmmm, didn't see this one coming. The highlight of my week has now become the conversations with my mom about the show. Nothing like hearing the words player and slut coming from your mom's mouth.

-The business is taking a beating this year. Ugh. The older clientele is killing us this year. I need to find more 20-25 year old kids that think that they know everything about football.

-Eric is thinking about buying the NBA package since Cleveland might be solid this year. I'm still at a loss for words. This is coming from a guy who couldn't even name two players on the Cavs three years ago to now spending $150 dollars to watch all the games. Why is he buying the NBA package and not the MLB package? Is it marketing? Is it preseason hype? Someone needs to look into this.

-Driving cross country in about a month. Going from Louisville to San Diego. Any ideas on where to stop? Vegas is a given.


Eric Z said...

What are your goals during the cross-country trip? Sports? Eateries? Casinos? What kind of things would you like to see?

dzahn07 said...

Sports- Not too sure what is going on during the beginning of December? College Basketball? Maybe.

Eateries- Yes.

Casinos- Will be taken care of by a stop in Vegas.

RRD said...

My J&M advice is just to ride out the storm, and if necessary, wear two pair of thin socks for the rest of the week. The first pair I ever purchased were hell on the dogs, but after two weeks, they either softened or my feet calloused.

They are the best mass produced shoe for the price. Better shoes are extremely more expensive, and anyone with any class can spot a pair of $80 Bostonians from a mile away.

To synergize your blog, J&Ms are like a good $20 bottle of wine, you can have a similar bottle for $90 that tastes marginally better, or a $7 bottle that is hell. Somewhat of a richter scale.

dzahn07 said...

I have an older pair of J&M that have been with me for 7 years and are great, so this must be just an odd pair.

Buck Super Stereo said...

johnston & murpheys? wow are we in completely different worlds. i'm looking into buying a new pair of pumas or bowling shoes for the office.