Oct 17, 2005


So I picked up the new Sports Guy book this weekend, despite some concerns over the content. While I tend to agree with my brother and others that this book will contain nothing but Boston propaganda and references to the Red Sox Nation, I still decided to spend $25 at Barnes and Noble. Consider this more of a donation instead of reading entertainment, since I probably won't read the entire book. Now why would I waste $25 to read about a topic that I'm growing very tired of, and frankly can't even stand? Well its to support someone who has posted free articles over the past 7 years that has provided endless amounts of entertainment. Its to support someone who took a chance, broke from the norm, and provided a sports and entertainment view point that was never presented to us. He might of been the first sports and entertainment blogger back in the day, even though he would probably refute this statement due to his hatred of bloggers. He opened the door so that people like Aaron Gleeman, Paul Katchner, and even us, who can sit here on the internet and write about things that would typically be talked about in bars or parties. And on top of everything else, he provided topics for Eric, Lee, Jay, and I to discuss years after college ended that helped keep us close.

Now, I know I'm very critical of the Sportsguy now, but that doesn't take away from anything that he did in the past. I mean he was a comedic force back in 98-01 at the old site before he joined ESPN. He almost posted 4,000 word articles each day on topics ranging from Gambling, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and his notorious Reader Email responses. His Gambling Manifesto and his diaries about Vegas, drafts, and random TV shows are legendary. He was in my highly touted "Daily Bathroom Reading" rotation that consisted of free material off the internet from Reilly, Gammons, Neyer, Kornheiser, Chad, and Wilbon all writing top notch articles for the internet almost everyday. Now everyone except for the Sportsguy, Kornheiser, and Wilbon are associated to pay sites, with only the Sportsguy worth reading anymore. And even now that he has become more mainstream, is off the mark many times, and contradicts himself in almost every article, he is still 10 times better than any one else out there. With all that being said, I'm happy to give him $25 to make sure he is still around for years to come.

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