Oct 17, 2005

MTV Update

Anyone see Laguna Beach last night? Lets just say we can all take lessons from this kid Jason. He has torn through at least 5 different girls over the past 3-4 epidsodes. It has become so amazing, even my mom is commenting on it. "Now Derek, you know I don't approve of his actions, but DAMN!!! THAT KID'S GOTZ MOVES".

And this gets me to this question...Has anyone investigated MTV for child porn? I'm usually a big fan of their programming, but I think all of this might be crossing a line somewhere.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

I can't watch more than 2 minutes of this. Whenever I watch, it's just the kids hanging out gossiping about others.

I never flip by when the kiddie porn is on. I'll try again next time.