Oct 21, 2005

Audience Participation II

To get the women involved (I think we have 3 regulars here at this site), please comment on the following situation:

I have a co-worker who has a 16 year old daughter who is not sexually active but states that she is getting major pressure from her boyfriend to have sex and wants to get on the "pill". Is that too young? As a parent do you take the a realistic approach (its going to happen one way or the other) to the situation and allow her to go on the pill or do you just stick your head in the ground and not get her on birth control and have a chance that you could be a 42 year grandfather?

My response was not to let her get on the pill. I think that once she goes to college, this is where you step in and get her on the pill. I think that by getting her on the pill this young, not only are you advocating it, but you might also be opening her up to unprotected sex. And to top it off, what 16 year is responsible enough to take a pill at the same time everyday? What is the Dad going to make sure she has the pill at breakfast every morning?


Buck Super Stereo said...

interesting thought. one of which i hadn't even really thought about yet.

sheila was on the pill at 16, which i wholeheartedly agreed with. but then again, i'm sure that sir barry wasn't a big fan - if he even knew.

but wait. i'm not a woman lurker, so am i allowed to reply?

i say that i'm fucking teaching keira about protection around 13 when she gets the flow. fuck it. put her on the pill and stress protection. think about your post about laguna beach from a few days ago....kids see sex everywhere everywhere and it's bound to happen any way.

i'd rather educate and try to deal with it than keep my head in the sand. but see me in 15 years to see if i still agree.

Schillzilla said...

I guess this is why I'm glad I have a son... :)

Zeitgeber said...

I think you advocate no sex/pill as long as possible and let her go on the pill when they're still together and she's 17. And still advocate a condom for protection from more than just grandchildren at a young age. She is at least being open and talking about it with her parents which is much more than most girls are doing while preparing to sleep with their boyfriends when they're 16. Avoiding the situation with a flat out "no" and no discussion will probably not lead to anything positive.

Zeitgeber said...

By the way, my word verification to post was ended with s-t-d. very fitting and why the situation calls for c-o-n-d-o-m-s.