Oct 11, 2005

Baseball Playoffs


So I will make a couple quick predictions on the baseball playoffs;

AL- White Sox over Angels in 5
What a blah series in my mind, despite both of these teams being pretty good. This is what happens when the media pays too much attention to the Yanks and Red Sox. Now I get to hear possibly the two worst radio/TV guys (not named Buck or McCarver) in the game in Rex Dog for the Angels and Hawk for the Sox for another couple of weeks. Thanks.

NL- Cards over Astros in 7
I'm actually really excited for this one, except for the fact that Buck and McCarver will be doing the games and probably won't stop talking about the man love affair between Clemens and Pettite, how Pujols befriended that retarded girl, how Edmonds plays CF like no other (cue the film), and how LaRussa's 18 pitching changes in inning 7 won them the game. Ugh, I hate these guys.

Since I can't win a game to save my life, I was pleasantly surprised to see that McDonalds brought back the Monopoly game. This is one game that I never get tired of, and seem to win all the time. And at lunch today I won a free ice cream cone. Yipee!!!! I remember when Rico, Blondie, and I took the time to set up the board and actually keep all of our pieces and stick them to the board. We collected all the pieces except for those that they keep hidden in Alaska and probably won about 2500 hamburgers and small drinks. It was quite a sight.


Eric Z said...

Really? You should have paid attention to what the Sox fans were saying in September. They all wanted him to be fired for his boneheaded moves.

Eric Z said...

And damn! I also picked the Cards in 7. That means Houston will win in 5 or something.