Oct 26, 2005


Is it just me or is everyone else as excited about this "Trading Spouses" episode next Wednesday that I keep seeing during the World Series. Thank God I have Tivo.

Nothing else to comment about since the World Series is pretty boring, I've been working non stop, and the only thing I've done in my free time is catch up on season 6 of West Wing. 16 straigh hours of West Wing and I feel like a politcal operative that could get Eric elected to the Cedar Rapids City Council next week. All I need is Donna, that deaf chick to do my polling, and a sit room.


skeetskeet11 said...

I think that you already have a sit room, and you probably spend more time there than any President has since WWII.

Eric Z said...

I can't wait to hear your campaign slogans...

"A Starbucks on every corner and an X-Box in every den!"

"Read my lips.... no ugly chicks"

" The era of guaranteed employment for IT guys is over!"

dzahn07 said...

I'm also thinking about incorporating RRD's wierd view on umbrellas to get out yuppy voters in DC.