Jun 22, 2005

What the Hell is that?

In the morning when I'm getting ready for work, I'll either watch the local news, MSNBC, FoxNews, or the weather channel to see everyone else's weather for the day since I know mine will be 80 and sunny. But the other morning I was watching MTV, which is sort of strange since they only play rap videos which really doesn't go well with ironing and getting dressed. Well, while I was putting on my shoes and about to head out, they showed the new Shakira video, which caught my attention. As I sat there and watched her shake every part of her body while being covered in motor oil, she just started to thrust her chest back and forth for about 6 seconds. It wasn't to any specific beat or anything like that, so I don't think it was a dance move. It was just her violently move her chest in and out. Very, very disturbing. While I have become accustom to the stripper dance in recent years (women just randomly shaking their ass like they are grinding on your package), I don't think that I will be able to handle this new chest move. Anyway, check it out if you can.

And while we are on MTV, I almost put this station in with ESPN as second level stations, since their programming has gone to shit with shows like Date My Mom, Next, Pimp My Ride, Room Raiders, and Made. But then on Monday night the season finale of Real World vs. Road Rules was outstanding, and now the new Real World in Austin looks pretty good. Also, they are bringing back Laguna Beach for a second season, which now gives me a reason to call my mom and bond with her. My mom, for some reason, loves this show and then loves calling me to discuss what happened afterwards. Lots of comments like "that Lauren is so loose" and "if these girls are attracted to those dorks, why are you still single". Good times.


Buck Super Stereo said...

i saw that video the other day too. that didn't strike me as odd, but the part with her lying on the floor/table and sliding along by moving her hips was just a little sexy.

and i love the fact that she's not exactly a waif. i'm sure she may be a silly bimbette like the rest of the mtv nation, but i find her a little easier on the eyes

Anonymous said...

"la Tortura" is the name of the video. It runs on MTV latino about every hour and since I am still attempting to master this second language, why not watch that body while learning Spanglish? I love the Belly dancing moves-very very very hot. Or should I say MUY CALIENTE.
Shakira is not a bimbo like the other MTV ho's. She is very involved in helping her native Columbia and children. Needless to say, she likes LED ZEP, AC/DC and Pearl Jam so thats makes her ok in my book. She is definately in my top 3 having bumped out Alyssa Milano who is going downhill fast. However, Jenny Mccarthy may soon make an entry based on her new show-damn that is one hot momma!!