Jun 21, 2005

Lyric Game - Set #2

Answers for the first set:

1. "The Boys of Summer" - Don Henley (or the Ataris - whatever)
2. "The End of the World" - REM
3. "Love Shack" - B-52s

There was another one in the comment section of that post.

Here are some more:

1. catwalk
2. oasis
3. litigate

Hint: All three songs are between 1985 and 1996. Hey, it's my game, I'll pick the music I know!


dzahn07 said...

3. Litigate= INXS

Eric Z said...

See, that's the problem with this game. It's hard to pick one - and only one - song that goes with the word.

You are technically correct, but that's not the song I was thinking of.

The Dudeman said...

1. catwalk = Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy