Jun 16, 2005

Indians, A's, Royals, Yanks, Nats, and Sox win!!

Is there anything worse that getting into the shower, seeing a huge spider on the ceiling, turning around to get a piece of toilet paper to kill it, and then its gone? Makes for a real quick shower.

Anyway, check out BuckSuperStereo's updates on his vacation with his inlaws. Ahhh, that is one thing I don't miss about having a serious girlfriend. Is there anything worse? These trips only end with either your girl being pissed off at you for "being yourself", or you are miserable because you couldn't relax on your own vacation because you were trying not to be yourself with the in-laws. Its a no win situation for the men. Now throw in a couple of sisters and brothers that you are forced to bond with and its just a week long nightmare. Luckily for me in the past, the brother in laws and I have bonded, so it has turned into a big drinkfest in the basement or on the beach, and there is minimal interaction with the rest of the family.

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