Jun 26, 2005

Fights and Womens Golf

Flipping back and forth between the US Open and the Real World, two thoughts come to mind:

1) Why would you ever, ever, get in a bar fight with only two guys on your side? Bar fights can only be won with either having a super psycho Army Ranger on your side, or you have about 10-15 average guys with you. If you have two above average guys going into a fight, you are fucked. I would rather take 3 Jays, 3 Little Brads, and 3 Dereks against those two stupid asses on Real World. And this is especially stupid when your on the Real World, where guys are just itching to get in a fight on TV.

2) These announcers for the Women's US Open are terrible. Kim sinks a bunker shot to basically win the Open on 18, and there is no enthusiasm? Come on. And Wie looked fantastic today and I'm not talking about her golf game.

Stumbled across this quote from Paul Katcher that I had to share since it was pretty funny.
"Do you think Sam Cassell has Internet access, or did he cancel his AOL account after coming across the 500th website that cited him as the ugliest player in sports? "

Finally, Eric advanced to the Iowa Match Play Semi Finals yesterday, and I'm still awaiting to hear how he did today. No call is hopefully good news.


Anonymous said...

Careful D, you dirty old man. she is still a minor in the body of a 21 year old. I watched the same real world and that dude got drilled. Never go down, never fight when drunk and Never Never roll without your possee. I hate young punks and would have done the same thing to that a-hole. One ham fist to the face can do alot of dain bramage.

skeetskeet11 said...

So funny. Especially since you were always the one to start the fight, but only if there were 10+ guys around with you (or 1 Dave Field). However, you are much better than Jay, who threw his drink on a guy 2-3x his size in New Orleans with only my drunk ass to back him up. And I was more concerned with where the next topless chick or Lucky Dog vendor was...