Jun 13, 2005

Lets hug it out bitch....

Went to the Dodger game on Saturday night and they had the Hollywood All-Star softball game beforehand. It's fascinating to watch Joey Macinyire,the fat hobbit,and the Principal from Breakfast Club turn a double play. Oh and John Lovitz and the fat hobbit were co-mvps of the game. Lovitz jacked a game ending 2 run shot in the bottom of the seventh. Fabulous!!

I'm not going to totally slam Lee for drunk dialing me on Saturday night since it resulted in one of the greatest ideas of all time. We came up with the solution to the problem for all married guys who have kids and can't get out to Vegas. Casino Day Care. When the wife says that you can't go to Vegas because of the kids, just say you will take them with you so she can relax. Once in Vegas drop the kids off at the Mirage Day Care Service and gamble away. I'm serious about this!!!

The gooch is live and well. I'm not a great golfer, but recently I have been able to hit in the mid 80s the last couple times out. On Sunday, after a rough couple of holes, I was able to put together a solid back nine, being 2 over going into the last hole. All I needed was a boggie on the Par 5 and I would break 40 on the back 9, which is a pretty big feat for me. I happened to brag to the guys I was playing with and after a 285 yard drive, I decided to go for the green and put it in the water. After a bad chip and then a three putt, I ended up with a 7. Ugh.

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