Jun 26, 2005

Real World Austin

I try to watch teh first few episodes of each Real World, to see if I should be hooked into the show. I think MTV is casting knowing that the audience will wane if there isn't some controversy, so I'm thinking that they have to choose roommates that will mesmerize the viewers immediately. They better draw viewers through their sexiness, ignorance, race/sexual orientation, etc. etc.

And it looks like MTV has hooked me in again, with the epic brawl on Episode 1.

But one side effect - does anyone actually like any of these characters? Wes and Daniel are certainly boys you would love to root against; Johanna, Rachel and Melinda have "skank" written all over them, which leaves Lacey and Nehemiah. Something about Nehemiah bugs me.

Is it enough to have people watch a show with characters no one likes, even if they do crazy things and get into dumb-ass situations?

So, for now, I'm interested in seeing the Lacey do well and become a better person. For the rest.... well, we'll see.

As "Red Green" would say, "I'm pulling for you, Lacey.. we're all in this together"

(and if anyone else knows who Red Green is, please comment. It's a midwest thing.)

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

You know, my first opinion of Wes was the same as yours... "I bet he's deep in the closet". It just seems that his frat-boy persona is too over-the-top to be real.