Jun 2, 2005

Amnesty International

These kind of stories get my blood roiling....

Amnesty International and Kerry

This is why it's very, very hard for me to listen to these guys - and, in general, a lot of the left-leaning "humitarian" groups. They never seem to hesitate to criticize the US - but where are they when the crap hits the fan in other countries? Did we hear a peep out of them when Daniel Pearl was executed? When tens of thousands of Iraqi prisoners were beheaded?

Gulag, my ass.

Look, are there things going on in Guantanamo that are questionable, and probably against international laws? Probably so - but I don't believe (nor has there been any proof) that it is as common as the media has you believe. I believe that these prisoners throw the accusations on the wall to see what is going to stick in the western media - who love a controversy.

Andrew Sullivan is one writer who has been following the torture/prison story for a while. While I don't agree with a lot of the stuff he says - and it's been getting stale of late - I will never question his motives. He genuinely loves this country and is very concerned of the damage that these stories may have in parts of the world.
However - he calls a spade a spade. He's not afraid to call people "terrorists" (do you see that word in the NYT or on NPR?) and is very critical of the spite and hatred from the left as well.

Those critics carry a thousand times more weight that these do-gooders at Amnesty who have a hard time criticizing real tyrants, but do not hesitate to pile on the US.

OK. End of rant. I feel better.

1 comment:

dzahn07 said...

Daily Show covered this pretty weakly last night. They showed clips of Bush, Cheaney, and Rums all critizing Amnesty International, and then showed clips from 1-2 years ago when they were all quoting Amnesty International's findings on how well other prison camps were set up.