Oct 8, 2006

Two Movies and a Debate

Well now....The Tigers vs. A's in the ALCS. Very interesting. And yes I agree that this match up is not what ESPN wanted. These are two teams that ESPN has mostly ignored for most of the season. Seriously, what is baseball tonight going to do? Show clips of Jeter golfing or just talk about A-Rod leaving instead of highlights. And speaking of the Yanks, I do believe that Torre should be fired and they need to get rid of A-Rod. Why??? Because the Yanks must win the World Series to be successful. Everything else is a failure. And they haven't been successful in 6 years, so someone has to go.

Anyway I saw two great movies over the last couple of weeks. Last Kiss and The Departed. Last Kiss was amazing. I hate critics who hate movies about real life and they don't have a happy ending. Great movie, great material, and great acting. And then The Departed was amazing as well. Jack, Leo, and Matt Damon were excellent. Throw in some great lines by Mark Wallberg and Alex Baldwin and this movie is a solid 9.

And I watched the Arnold vs Angelides debate last night for the CA Governor spot. Arnold did very well, which everyone seems to agree with. The major downfall for Angelides seemed to be when he asked Arnold about some spending cuts and Arnold responded with the following:

Arnold :"During the most incredible decline of our economy, just a few years ago, you were part of that," Schwarzenegger said.

Angelides: "Well, you know, your policies are the Bush policies, and I prefer [former President] Clinton to Bush any day,"

Arnold: "No, no, don't talk about Bush, because if you want to do that, go to Iowa"

Angelides: "You went to Ohio, governor; I didn't, You stood with President Bush and you helped him get reelected. And we didn't even get a T-shirt!"

And this did not get a good response from the crowd. It wasn't relevant in what they were talking about. Terrible spot to try to do this trick. Angelides did not come off well at all. The linking to Bush tactic just didn't work at all when they were talking about state issues. Angelides is going to have a tough time beating Arnold since he is linked to the prior Davis team that totally fucked up California. And Arnold did a great job in linking Angelides to Davis, since it was relevant to what they were talking about.

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