Oct 14, 2006


When will I become too old for MTV.

Jeez, they keep on producing shit that I want to watch. Has anyone seen the promo for True Life: Stanton Island? Ohhhhh, I'm so excited. This might be the best True Life since they covered the New Jersey wedding stories and that one guy was screaming on the cell phone to the limo driver on how he was going to "gut" him. Classic. Tuesday night at 10:00, everyone set your Tivo

Then there is the Duel- I love this shit, but what is up with the rules. The explanation of the rules was absolutely hilarious. And I started to like Tina during the last show, but now she is up to her old self. Wes is still my boy. Ohhhh, I'm so excited.

And Two a Days??? Shit that final game was exciting. I'm still waiting for Max to tell his step dad "I don't want your life". Great show. Correction, excellent show. I was more amped to watch this than Laguna. And what is going on in Laguna. Please take Jessica off the show. And I promise you that I will take out Cameron if I ever bump into him in my hood. His Dana Point privileges have been revoked. Dana Point for life.

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