Oct 11, 2006

Flash Player

OK, so my old computer got fried. My new computer doesn't have a flash player installed. Tried to do it and nothing is downloading. I think our company is preventing this. Any ideas on how to get the flash player on my computer?


The Dudeman said...

I downloaded the flash player installer and put it on my web server for you. You should be able to download it from http://www.thedudeman.com/install_flash_player.exe

Just save the file somewhere on your computer and then double-click it to install the flash player. I'm not positive, but I believe the installer downloads some more stuff during the install process so it may or may not work, but this should get you past the first step at least.

dzahn07 said...

love having nerds as friends. thanks dude.

The Dudeman said...

no problem. Did it install correctly?

dzahn07 said...

i did not work. Said I needed admin rights.