Oct 16, 2006

Positive Ramblings

Well to change the subject from Eric being a prick to discussing how much enjoyment I'm getting out of tonight's ref in the AZ Chi game. I have Ben crying after every penalty by saying "you dig". Holding Offense 10 yard penalty repeat first down...You dig. Where did they get this guy? I've never seen him before.

Hey check out the house that the wedding will be at. I'm starting to get a little excited. We fired the caterer because they were outrageous and now we will be making our own food. Hmmmm...Should be very interesting. This might be the first pot luck reception in the US.

Anyone watching baseball? What is up with the radar gun. It is clearly 5-6 mph higher than normal. It had Zito in the low 90s and he hasn't seen 88 since 2004. Its ridiculous.

Wiping one's ass: Ben and I had a very disturbing discussion the other day. With his hands all jacked up I asked him
how the hell he is wiping his ass. Well the conversation took a weird turn and I come to find out that he used to stand up while he wiped his ass. Standing up??? He said that is how he was taught growing up and just changed a couple of years ago and was pissed that his parents told him to stand up before wiping since it is 10 times better sitting down. Graphic details followed.

A's recap: Wow, I really didn't see the Macha firing happening. After last year of firing and then hiring, I thought that he was here to stay, but I'm very happy that he is gone. Anyway, what can I say about the ALCS. The walk off homer eally didn't hurt me as much as other plays in the past, since we were down 0-3. And this clip from Athletics Nation pretty much sums it up for me as well.

For me, the difference this year is the lack of a villain. In the past, we have been knocked out of the playoffs by the slim margin of one final game, which was lost to the evil teams of New York, Boston, and the worst opponent of all--ourselves. This year, it's impossible to point to one play, to one player, and even to one game as the deciding factor in our demise. We flat got beat by Detroit, a wonderful success story in itself, and I really do wish them the best. The Tigers are good for baseball, and it's nice to see some important games being played in a city not named New York. They don't have an obnoxious catch-phrase attached to them (see: The Idiots Who Cowboy Up, or The Piranhas, The Best Lineup Ever, or my favorite, The Perfect Small Ball Squad), they don't have a large payroll; they don't have annoying announcers, they don't really have a superstar, and more than likely, they're going to win the whole thing.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

This Monday Night game will go down in history as one of the most memorable.... like that Jets-Miami game from a few years ago.

I'll call you about the pot luck. I'm sure Janice would like to try out new recipes. (maybe)