Oct 12, 2006

Interesting evening last night. Here we go...

1. Tivo- I knew I wasn't going to get home in time for the A's game so I Tivo'd it the game on FX in the morning. Was in meetings all day and then had to go get my CA license at 4:00pm PST (see below for that story). Come home around 6:00pm with some Mexican food, sit down at the table and turn on the game. Where is the game? Why is that crappy Pacino football movie on? Ben slowly gets up and leaves the room as I'm swearing at the Tivo. Change it over to Fox to see what's going on with the Cards-Mets game and there is the A's game in the 5th inning? WTF? Combining that with the A's loss totally ruined my evening.

2. A's chances- Yes we are down 2-0 going to Detroit, but throwing Harden and Haren out there for the next two games still gives me some hope that we can come back. The Loiza decision totally backfired on the A's. Beane and company totally out thought themselves on this one. Makes me a little bit mad and is making the A's blog family go totally insane.

3. CA license- Despite being out here for 3.5 years, I still had a MD license that just expired. Went to the DMV which was very smooth. You actually need to register for an appointment online, which is one of the best ideas. Instead of going there and waiting for hours on end, you register for an appointment, they give you a time, you then show up and there is no waiting. Amazing! This goes for all DMV issues, not just licenses. Does MD have this? Anyway, you need to take a written test even if you have a license from another state. I just barely passed. My new picture is just as bad as my jailhouse MD license picture. I love it.

4. DMV side story- There was a voter registration booth setup outside the DMV manned by two black females. On my way out, I asked if I could register and they both stuttered and said that they were closed. Closed??? So why are you still standing out front? Well we are packing up. Hmmmm, really. So I walked off and got into my car, but I had to go back in since I forgot my MD license at the test place. And who do I see registering some Hispanics??/ Yup, my two black lady friends. I was so pissed off since I felt like they only wanted to register possible democrat voters and not republicans. Now how could they tell I was a republican? Well I was dressed nice and had a job probably. Ohhhh. I'll be here all night. Thanks.

5. Ben- Well I get home last night and Ben is drunk out on the porch in the dark. This is funny or strange since this is how he usually is. He comes in and his hand is all bandaged up. What the hell happened? He said that they finally got approval from the higher ups to do some interior immigration sweeps in some designated neighborhoods. Yes this sounds very stupid, but since we are so close to election day, all interior patrol needs approval from the top level managers since the politicians don't want any surprises. Actually it seemed weird for Ben that they were actually allowed to do this since it has been banned for sometime. Why now? Anyway, Ben and his partner approach a guy and he admits to being an illegal. They go to handcuff and a major scuffle ensues. Now this is in the middle of the day at lunch in a heavily populated area, so they couldn't really manhandle the guy so they were having some issues. Ben explains (and I guess I agree) that its really tough to handcuff a guy who doesn't want to be handcuffed when you can't use full force. He then stated that a lady was just snapping pictures of what was going on, so they were being very careful. Well as the three of them were wrestling around on the ground, the illegal bit Ben about 5 times on the hand. Now just little nibbles, but major bites. Enough so that Ben is off of work for 45 days. And he has a possible lawsuit with the Border Patrol since they took 30 minutes to approve backup since it was in the interior and they didn't want to cause a scene. Imagine if this guy was going for Ben's gun and they took 30 minutes to provide backup.

1 comment:

Other Brad said...

Nice post, sorry about the A's.

1a. I've been DVRing a lot lately and was excited that I haven't missed anything I like alot. Heroes, The Nine, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, Numbers, and the finale of Two-A-Days.

Two A Days makes me wish I could rewind time and tell my parents to move us south. I really want to play football now.

1b. Can't wait for tonights "The Duel," on MTV.

3. I don't think MD has appointments, but I have been satisfied with going to the MVA Express in Columbia.