Oct 31, 2006


This is why Bush and Rove aren't worried. Its because idiots like this that come out for now reason and light the fire under the Republican base. Why would he say this and then not apologize? Blows my mind. Below is an excerpt from Instapundit.

"What struck me about this comment beyond the obvious fact that it is insulting to our troops, is just how politically incompetent John Kerry is. Here we are, a week before Election Day, Democrats are favored to win back control of the House and possibly the Senate, so you'd think it would make sense for the party's leaders to play it safe. Republicans have tried very hard to convince voters that Democrats don't support our troops, a charge that Democrats have been countering by saying that they do support the troops, only that they oppose the war and want to bring the troops home. But in this video Kerry, the party's most recent candidate for President and one of it's most recognizable figures, is out there calling troops fighting in Iraq a bunch of morons. The RNC should run an ad featuring this video in every competitive race in the country. Just like his "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it" helped Republicans portray him as a flip-flopper, Kerry's recent remark succinctly captures what Republicans have been trying to say about Democrats all along--that they are anti-military and can't be trusted on national security."

And then he comes out with a half ass response. Another clip from Instapundit that wraps all of this up nicely:

I’ll bet Senator Clinton absolutely loves watching her potential ’08 rival shoot himself in the foot. BTW, I’m another National Merit Scholar serving in the active duty military. I missed 4 questions on the SATs. But the real insult to my intelligence came when Senator Kerry tried to pretend he was talking about Bush.


Don said...

For the 2nd time this year, I'll have to say Derek is right (the other being his prediction for the Tribe's '06 campaign ...but why he picked my Boilers last week, I've got no clue).

Kerry is done. What an idiot.

And mark my words, Hillary will NOT be the Dem nominee in '08.

jorge blogsada said...

I'll admit this is political witlessness of epic proportions matched by only the clumsiest of public figures. This is kind of the iraq war version of "We talkin' 'bout practice," a did he really say that moment of immensely indelicate bumbling.

However I don't think it's fair to say this is prima facie evidence of the Democrats' hatred of the military or inability to properly secure and defend the country. Kerry's remark seemed to be in line with a fairly well-entrenched lament of the fact that for centuries rich men have sent poor men's sons to die for a variety of reasons.

But of course in the hands of talk radio it becomes easy cannon fodder, more of the secular, terrorist friendly, liberal elites' disdain for the god-fearing, patriotic backbone of the country. Not that a thoughtless comment doesn't rightfully engender criticism, but can't someone say something off the cuff without it being instantly divined as representative of some sinister cultural agenda. No wonder politicians speak in wandering ambiguities. Anytime anyone says something close to a real opinion the speaker is crucified.

Was it a daft comment? Sure. It is also true that we are in a war of questionable origin, aim, and execution waged by young men and women, many of whom come from vastly different educational and economic backgrounds than their leaders. This issue seems worthy of actual debate, not kneejerk caricatures and culture wars. But then again that's kind of what were good at in this country.

jorge blogsada said...

Also how do you have the time be posting a 420 man? I mean, you are down, aren't you?


dzahn07 said...

Jon, check your stats before making grand statements. Per the Heritage Foundation:

Overall, the wartime recruits are more similar than dissimilar to their civilian counterparts. The all-volunteer force displays near proportional representation of income backgrounds. Whites serve in approximate proportion to their population, although representation of minority groups varies. Recruits must meet educational standards, and the military provides resources for furthering education to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend four-year colleges. Although rural representation is disproportional, the military offers the opportunity to gain new skills and enter industries that are not available in rural areas.

With regard to income, education, race, and regional background, the all-volunteer force is representative of our nation and meets standards set by Congress and the Department of Defense. In contrast to the patronizing slanders of antiwar critics, recruit quality is increasing as the war in Iraq continues. Although recent recruiting goals have been difficult to meet, re-enlistment is strong and recruit quality remains high. No evidence supports arguments for reinstating the draft or altering recruiting policies to achieve more equitable representation.

It would be interesting to go back and get comparable numbers from the Vietnam era, when we had a military draft. My own sense is that today's volunteer military is more representative of the country than the draft military of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

dzahn07 said...

And I'm all for people being candid, but do you really think his comments were honest and truthful?

Eric Z said...


Wow - your statement here...

but can't someone say something off the cuff without it being instantly divined as representative of some sinister cultural agenda.

wow. that's all I can say.

Where have you been the last, oh, I don't know, 150 years?

This is nothing new. Period. This kind of campaigning is not a Karl Rove invention. Geesh.

It took Republicans 20 years to figure out a way to discuss affirmative action without being labeled racists. And they're still trying to figure out a way to discuss Social Security without being told they are killing Grandma and Grandpa.

You CANNOT be clumsy when being a major politician. Period. If you are, you do what Kerry has done.

I can't think of a clumsy president, save Ford - and remember, Ford was never elected.

neild said...

Okay, I think we can all agree that Kerry's comment was stupid and wrong. But surely even his most ardent opponent (that would be either you Derek, or Rush Limbaugh. It's a toss up) would have to admit that it's pretty damn clear that he misspoke. That does not provide an excuse because he should be more careful, and he does owe an apology for what he actually said, but you can't honestly think that he actually believes that? If so, your idealogical blinders are skewing your judgment.

The real outrage, in my opinion, is the unbelievable chutzpah and hypocrisy of Bush, Cheney etc. who are the ones requesting an apology for the troops. Let me make sure I understand this right. Sending our young men and women off to die in a war that should never have been fought, was based on flawed (and in some cases fabricated) information and has proven to be an unmitigated disaster is okay as long as you are seen to be "tough on terror." No apologies needed there. That would be a sign of weakness and we know that our military veteran-laden administration (yeah, right) would never contemplate apologizing for anything themselves. Perish the thought.

Senator Kerry does owe an apology. But I'm sick and tired of hearing an administration conspicuously lacking in military veterans attempt to talk tough and demand an apology on behalf of a group they have less of a connection with than Senator Kerry.

dzahn07 said...

Ha!! Love your comments Laura. I think that everyone would understand if Kerry came out and said he was sorry and it was a joke that went wrong and such, but what makes me a little mad wasn't his statement (that just made me laugh at how stupid he was) but his response. Jesus what an idiot. And Neil and Jon, my entire point is not so much the comment, but the timing of the comment and his response. Even Cardin came out yesterday on CNN and stated that he didn't see a problem with the comment, but Kerry should of used a little more judgement on the entire situation.

Buck Super Stereo said...

we're lead by an idiot that can't speak for shit....

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

...so why all the hubbub over Kerry's fuck up? he's a dolt too or else he'd have had enough excitement to be in the big seat.

all politics are insane (and by that i mean the candidates, the pundits, the bloggers that outline the congressional races are all nuts). just last week, i was trying to get information to fill out my absentee ballot and an incumbant candidate for my state government doesn't even has his issues and answers page up on his site. i got all riled up and sent him an email that he should fire his campaign manager.

but then i realized that all politians are nowhere capable of truly representing their constituancy. its all horseshit and nobody is ever going to get anything right. vote us all off the island.

i'll stick to dick jokes and making fun of others to make me feel better about myself.

Eric Z said...

A lot of action while I was on the plane.

Neil: I have a feeling that you think that second paragraph is full of facts. It is not - what you understand is your opinion. You have every right to believe that, of course! - but others may believe that your reasoning is faulty.

Laura: How DARE you take my text out of context! I clearly meant to say "I can't think of a clumsy President before 2000". Wasn't that clear?

Let me say a bit about Bush and his supposed malaprops.

You don't think that the nucular and misunderestimated stuff is now scripted? This plays well in R land - I'm sure Rove has the polling data and has told Bush to keep doing it because of the political benefit.

"Heckuva a job, Brownie" is not clumsy, in my mind. It is standard practice for some managers to do that to subordinates when they are in trouble - never publicly throw them under the bus. Now, it was politically dumb - which, I guess, is my definition of clumsy.

Geesh - I wrote this at 6:30 am - give me a break! :)

But curse words? Cmon - please. That's not clumsy.

And Chris - should I consider your rant to be a compliment for me? :)