Jul 24, 2005

Two more NFL notes

I just posted my NFL blog entry, only to find out these tidbits:

1) Do we need a reality show titled "Being Ross Verba"? According to this link, we do.
How do you request this from the hotel?
"Yes, this is Mr. Verba in room 1225. I need 135 bottles of champagne.
Thank you. Oh, and can you pre-shake them?"

2) Is it true that the new offensive coordinator for the Pittsburgh Steelers is..... Matt Cavanaugh?
The same Matt Cavanaugh who was run out of town by Baltimore and hated by most Ravens fans?


(smile is on my face)


dzahn07 said...

No, Matt C is the new Offensive Co for Pitt Panthers, not the Steelers.

Anonymous said...

You are correct-Him and Wannestadt are trying to lead Pitt to a National title . He'll be a good college coach and O coordinator, the NFL game is all about risk control, especially @ Baltimore. Keep 'em close and the defense will win games. Sorry ERIC I Knew you were getting excited