Jul 7, 2005

Who am I? Why am I here?

Please join me in a moment of silence in remembering a true American who passed away this week, Adm. James Stockdale. Adm. Stockdale was 81.

Most people of our age remember his as Ross Perot's runnng mate in 1992. Those of us who supported Perot were honored that a true patriot like Adm. Stockdale would join the ticket.

His performance in that debate with Al Gore and Dan Quayle was surely not polished, but it offered a glimpse into a clear-thinking and unpretnetious mind - two traits sorely lacking in today's politics. Aside from the cringe-inducing first 2 minutes, Adm. Stockdale's best moment was when the moderator (Brokaw?) asked about his stance on abortion. He had 90 seconds for his answer

"I believe in a woman's right to choose. Period."

He stopped talking, and this stunned Brokaw. "Uh, anything else you want to add, Adm. Stockdale?"


It was refreshing to hear political candidates answer a question and aviod turning a question about the national debt into foriegn policy, or jobs, or character.

So - if you are drinking this weekend, raise your glass and proclaim proudly: "Who am I? Why am I here?" in honor of the man who should have been our 45th Vice President.

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