Jul 12, 2005

License needed for ATM usage

When you're in a hurry and you have to get money from an ATM - you know what happens next.

The car in front of you is a 1979 Chevy Caprice, loaded with Burger King wrappers and bags in the back;
The lady driving (I'm sorry, but it's true) doesn't pull up close enough to the ATM - she tries about 3 or 4 times, but nope, can't reach the ATM;
She opens her door to use the ATM, but then realizes she can't find her card;
She mis-punches the buttons once (usually twice) and has to re-enter the code again and again...

and so on. A 30 second that operation takes 5 minutes, a precious 5 minutes when it's 4:15 and you are trying to make a 4:19 tee time.

Banks need to hand out ATM cards like driver's licenses. You need to take a driving test to use one. If you can
- use the ATM with your doors shut
- find your card within 15 seconds
- enter in the type of transaction, PIN, and amount in 30 seconds,
- go from withdrawal of money to engaging the car in "drive" in 30 seconds

then you get a card. If not - too bad. Go inside and do your business.


dzahn07 said...

First off, what type of golf course are you playing that doesn't accept a credit card? Secondly, haven't you watched a Bank of America commercial recently? They have ATMs everywhere. And finally, I totally agree with you on the fact that when you are strapped for time, you usually have some boob in front of you. This tends to happen at the airport, when I go and park at long term. I have 45 minutes to make my flight and I have a family of 6 loading about 25 bags onto the bus. Pisses me off to no end.

Eric Z said...

Here's an exercise for the readers... maybe I should post this instead of hiding it in the comments.

Spot the coastal bias(es) in Derek's comment above. I can count 3; other midwestern readers should spot more.