Jul 19, 2005

History of the Caribbean

So I'm in my Kaplan class last night and they handed out the results of our Diagnostic tests from last week, and lets just say that I have a lot of work to do and plenty of room for improvement. But when I saw what percentile I scored it, it reminded me of a class back in college called History of the Caribbean.

In my Senior year at UM, Jay and I took a history elective called History of the Caribbean. Not too sure why we choose this class, but it started out poorly with our Prof being late to class since he was having Visa problems and couldn't get back into the country. Also, on first day of class, Jay made a stated that "If this asshole pulls down the map and points to the islands and says, this is the Caribbean, I'm leaving." Well the prof pulls down the map and points right at the islands and says "Well, this is the Caribbean." Before he even finished, Jay was up and out of the room, looking back at me and waiting for him to join him. Jay convinced me to come with him with the promise of taco boats and three hours of Doom.

One of the funniest moments in my college career was in this class when we just took the first written exam, and I thought I did OK. 4 questions, and I filled out an entire book. I got my tests back before Jay did, and I'm looking for a score and on the inside of the book, there was the number 3. Jay asked what I got, and I said, I think a 3. Well maybe its out of 4, with each question worth one point. Well while we were having this conversation, the prof stated that the total points on the exam was 30. Jay and I just busted out laughing, and we packed up and went and got more taco boats and played more Doom.

Anyway, I'm hoping that the GMATS will turn out just like the History of the Caribbean class, with a disappointing score at the beginning, with me coming on strong at the end.


Eric Z said...

So how did this end? I assume you aced the last seven or so tests?

dzahn07 said...

Did Extra Credit and begged him not to give me a D. It ended up working.