Jul 18, 2005

Vanity Fair

I don't know how many in this audience read Vanity Fair, but I received a subscription for my birthday from relatives. Didn't really know much about VF when I got it, but I have been very pleased. Intelligent, funny, sexy, cosmopolitan, and topical. Anyway, this month's issue is so-so, with features on Martha Stewart post-prison, the Guggenheim in NYC, and something about the chick who runs Jimmy Choo shoes.

However, there is one reason to seek out this month's issue the next time you are at the grocery store, and that is a fantastic article on Elle Macpherson. To be honest, I'm only about halfway through the article, but the pictures are amazing. She is stunning--and not just for a 42-year old. Lohan, Hilton, Aniston, whoever Maxim is featuring this week, you can take 'em all (and trust me, I would). But Macpherson puts them all to shame. If it's possible, she's even better than I remember. I wish I could post some pictures here, but there was nothing online. In the magazine, there are 5-6 pages of pictures that are not to be missed.

1 comment:

dzahn07 said...

I hope Katie used your log in to post this.