Jul 12, 2005

Quick Thoughts

Hate to write when Eric posts, but I'm stuck up at my old place without a TV or radio, so I have to kill some time before I go to sleep on the floor. Just some quick thoughts from the last several days....

Started up my Kaplan course for my GMATS. Man, why didn't I take this right after school? Jesus, this is going to be tough. I walk into this class at 6:00pm, after only getting 2 hours of sleep the night before, and then spending all day going over our Accident Year Incurreds and see that its me, 6 Asian girls that I swear were my Pai Gow dealers at the Monte last year, and a couple of young Lindsays and Chelsies scattered throughout the class. I'm honestly shocked that these girls are old enough to study for the GMAT. Was called sir twice. No lie. Once by Lindsay who needed to borrow a pen, and once by the freakin teacher. Then realized that we were actually taking the Math and Verbal parts that night. So the math section kicked my ass to my surprise. Out of 37 questions, I only could answer 24, with the only one that I know that I got correct was an algebra equation that I use when I need to know how much money it will cost me on a trifecta box when using 4 horses. Before you start ripping me on this, I was fairly OK in math. Was in honors Math in high school, and did fairly well in Calc in college. I'm a finance major and now oversee $1.6 billion in reserves, and I do a very good job at it, but for the life of me, I could not figure out what to do with fractions over fractions when solving for x. Once I get into the class a little more, I'll post some of the problems. Oh, and the Verbal section was easy.

Was back East last week. Check out the pictures from our game on the Hereford Nine site. Everyone had their cameras out, so I'm a little surprised we only got 4 pictures. Anyway, here are some thoughts I had about this last visit:
  • I hate the weather there. Don't know why people put up with the humidity in the summer and then the harsh cold in the winter. I did it for so long and now I'm so confused on why others do. I forgot how it felt to be soaking wet at 8:00am on the putting green.
  • Friends: I'll elaborate on this more in another section, but I'm extremely lucky to have the friends that I do. I hate going back to MD now because I can't see everyone. I want to spend as much time as I can with my family and everyone, but it is near impossible to see everyone. And if you try, its like you are at work and have a tight schedule to follow. I had a rough couple of days at work and the last thing I wanted was to be flying all over the place. People who I regret not seeing last time home are Chuck, Gene, Ron and Heidi, Kevin, Tim and Todd, and Ray.
Opening day at Del Mar tomorrow. Was supposed to meet Ron and his brother out there, but I was called up to LA for meetings which sucks.

Ever come across a picture of your ex that pisses you off so much you just naturally yell out "Fuck that" and have to walk away from it like it poison ivy?

Just dropping this thought out there, but who is up for Vegas in November? Eric and Lee, I'm looking in your direction. Jay????


Anonymous said...

Don't be offended by the newbies in you class-they are easily trainable.
All my women call me SIR!! Get used to it-you exude power my main man, pure, unadulterated POWER. Now, if only you could get them to call you ...daddy. Maybe you need to form a study group?

skeetskeet11 said...

It's going to be difficult, but I am amassing all the political capital I can to make March 06 happen.

dzahn07 said...

Well, Eric better come in March since we have a signed permission slip from his wife back in 2004 stating he was allowed to go.

Eric Z said...

I'd love to see Derek work at Pearson here in Iowa City writing standardized test questions for high school students.....

1) Paul is at Prairie Meadows and would like to place an Exacta box. If the box is for $1, and he'd like to box 5 horses, what is the total amount of the bet?

2) Marcia is playing Texas Hold-em in the Monte Carlo. If she holds A-A, and the flop is 2-3-4-5, what is the probability that she will lose to a higher straight:
a) if she is heads up with Ricardo?
b) if she is in a three-way pot with Ricardo and Ja'nell?

Eric Z said...

Will anyone see this comment, since it is so late.

CBS News reports that the two parties involved in the historic Iowa accords of 2004 - which regards the Vegas trip of 2006 - met last night for dinner at a posh Iowa City restaurant.

Sources tell CBS News that the agreement was discussed and is still in place for March, 2006. Neither side has broken the agreement.