Jul 13, 2005

IT Guys

We have been working with an Actuarial Consultant to overhaul a certain portion of our business so that we can get rid of a software product that is costing us $250,000 a month in licensing fees. I have worked closely with the guy and the product is solid. He is an older Indian guy who I surprisingly have a good time when we go out to dinner. He is back out here today for a detailed product presentation to our Capital Appropriation Committee, and he brings this IT guy, who I assume is handling all of the hard programming and server design. Now this guy takes the cake for IT guys. I have actually become accustom to the fat and sloppy IT guys and find that these guys usually have a good personality. This guy on the other hand is dressed in a black suit with brown hush puppies, with his black hair slicked back into a pony tail (think Steve Seagal) with a Native Indian turquoise bracelet to top it off. He also weighs about 120 pounds and has black horned rim glass. He comes off like Phillip Seymour Hoffman in The Talented Mr. Ripley. Now I have to go out to dinner with him and others tonight. This should be entertaining. Should I even attempt to have a normal conversation with him or just go straight to talking to him in binary code. I'm sure we will end up at a strip bar tonight and it will get weird.


Eric Z said...

Please fill us in on the chain of events from:

a) talking in binary code at dinner
b) strip bar

I'm sure it can happen, just not picturing how.

Schillzilla said...

Maybe you can talk binary code AT the strip club??? Nah, that would be too weird.

Eric Z said...




The Dudeman said...

Chances are you'll score more points with him by conversing in Romulan or Klingon rather than binary code.

If you really want to go geek with him, ask if he can count to 31 using only the fingers on one hand.

The Dudeman said...

Eric, Eric, Eric.

5 binary digits per group?
Everyone knows there's 8 bits (short for BInary digiTS) in a byte and you need one byte to make a letter.

I will now retire to my nerdery for the remainder of the daylight hours.

dzahn07 said...

Actually the dinner turned out to go very well. The guy is pretty normal with 3 kids and he is actually into sports. But man, the guy looks crazy. And in the end we did not end up at a strip joint.

Eric Z said...


Yes, yes, yes, I should have realized that and made it more correct.

I also realized I should hve put the ASCII code for the alphabet. I used to know what "a" was - in my C-64 programming days. That knowledge has been washed away by too much Hamm's light in college.

("A" = 65 rings a bell. Is that right?)