Mar 7, 2008

Vegas 12 days and counting.....

So I was looking up old Vegas posts and discovered a few interesting facts:
  • Total Number of Posts- 1087
  • First post was made by Eric on 5/31/2005 about the tribe reaching .500
  • The next 5 posts continued to be from Eric, posting about Diet Rite, the A's getting rid of Kendal, more soda blogging, and the new coach of the Cavs. Its nice to see that nothing has changed in 3 years.
  • We have posted about Vegas 118 times, which means that only 10% of the blog is dedicated to Vegas. One weekend I will take the time to see how many of the posts are about gambling, the browns, Jay's hatred for the Yanks, and Jon's love for Paris.
  • I went to Vegas 6 times by April in 2006.
  • It is obvious that the 06 trip was probably one of our best trips. The comments and posts are classic. Below are my top ten lines from the last two years:
  1. Derek from the bachelor party: "Rutgers is a Fraud. A fucking fraud. And Eric, I don't want to hear it from you on college football again."
  2. Jay from Blondie's bachelor party: "Trying to convince Derek to grind with this random Bride at the Rio and yell "I get deeper from the back!!" Never happened though...Derek telling Kerri that he was going to give her a "DDT". I haven't heard "wrastling" lexicon since grade school.
  3. Derek's angry comment number 1 from 2/9/06: "Who is this guy Don? He comes out once and has Eric convinced to go somewhere else other than Smith and Wollenskys for dinner, because he can get a steak anywhere? Can someone tell him that the steak is better than the ones they serve at Applebees in Cincy? What the hell is this? "
  4. Eric's comments before the 06 trip: "Any male who stays on 16 against a 10 is a communist or a Howard Dean supporter."
  5. Kermit comments before the 06 trip: Let's start with insurance. If I'm humming Mexican Nortenas or singing Monty Python songs out loud, I must be drunk and winning. So, take insurance when I do.
  6. Kermit's comments before the 06 trip: Anybody who drinks Tom Collins, should run for public office.
  7. Leland's comments before the 06 trip: Leland here, blogging from Derek's laptop while driving to Vegas. We're currently going about 100 mph trying to make up time from sitting in a traffic jam from a road re-paving. While I look at the screen to type, we are whizzing by trucks so fast that they are literally just a blur in my peripheral vision. If we live, we should be there in about 90 minutes!
  8. Don's comments after the 06 trip: Its Tuesday morning. I got 8 continuous hours of sleep last night, and I still hurt. Now thats the sign of a good trip.
  9. Jay's comments from my bachelor party: "I was outside for a grand total of 11 minutes the entire weekend. Warrants mentioning."
  10. Don 's comments from the 07 trip: "I like sleeping with Derek (although, apparently, this is the last time that will happen). He likes the room cold, stays on his side, leaves the TV on and asks how the night went before I zonk out. Very thoughtful. With the exception of dinner on Thursday, the only time I saw Derek was in the room – we were on completely opposite schedules. And yes, I do not sleep with a shirt on, I just can’t do it."

And I can't take specific comments from Wiz's post since everything was amazing. Take the time to read this. WOW!!!

And here are Eric's great posts from a Mar 2006, Nov 2006, and the classic I believe post. All great.


RRD said...

Someone please have a camera handy when Leland reunites with John. 80% chance of fondling, but I can't predict the fondler and the fondlee.

Eric Z said...

How about this for foreshadowing:

Derek's preview for the 07 trip:

"Things I don't want to hear....

Purdue's a LAYUP!"

$275 and a Lady Boiler loss later......