Mar 9, 2008

Credit Card Roulette

Eric hit it right on the head about the upcoming days before Vegas. Get ready for a Vegas Blitz here on Flotsam and Jetsam!!!

First, I got a great call the other night from Wiz. Wiz was at dinner with Lee, Micah, and company and he was pissed that nobody wanted to play credit card roulette. I love how I have the reputation of playing this game all the time, when that really isn't the case at all. But let's be clear, we will be playing this at least once in Vegas. Those of you who don't want to play, speak up now, not at the dinner table.

Secondly, I got some bad luck out of the way today. Went to DelMar to do some off-track betting with Carol and her friends. I bet the wrong horse once and was just missing in almost every other race. Ended up only winning one race. ONE RACE!!! Ugh. On the bright side, I am now a Del Mar VIP member, so that should be a lot of fun during the summer months.

Fuck the Terps. Wow they looked terrible. At least we don't have to worry about missing the game if we are out golfing.

Watching the Lakers vs. the Kings and noticed two things;
a. I should of made the wager on the Lakers back when they were 7-1 to win the title. Ask Eric how close I was in putting in that wager.
b. Ron Artest is crazy. He is driving Kobe crazy. I love it.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

Uh, not to rub salt in the wound, but....the odds for the Lakers were 9-1 when we talked.