Mar 6, 2008

Down with NAFTA, up with Pillsbury

Had a wonderful debate with Eric and Lee about NAFTA and outsourcing last night and I was going to do some research and post up a blog. Did some research on the Dept of Labor website and found some very interesting stats about US jobs. But then I got sidetracked by the call of our newly purchased, "tub of cookies" that we bought from Costco. This tub is huge and allows us to bake cookies at any time. Not being really "green" when I fire up the oven for 4 cookies. Well those 4 cookies turned into 8 as I discovered I still had Girl Scout Cookies in the pantry. So after 8 cookies I went into a sugar coma and couldn't really do anything other than watch American Idol and annoy Carol while she tried to do some work. Then that turned into me getting another cookie and playing some video games until 11.

Oh, and Carol wants a shout out on the blog since she had to endure sitting here watching Glenn Gary Glenn Ross over and over again while I wrote that last blog. Thank you Carol.

So NAFTA will have to wait.


Eric Z said...

I need to print this out and dissect.....don't have time right now to digest all of this.

mer said...

You're Glen Gary post was a classic. Does the blog have some type of museum for posts of this quality to be saved in. Now, I have to watch the damn movie again to really appreciate your blog.

Layup said...


Started reading the paper that you posted. Very interesting, but one fact jumps out. 80% of the Ohio population is college educated. I would like to know what the rest of the states run at. This actually might be higher than most, since LA County School districts just released a stat showing that 45% of their high school students drop out.

I'm only on page 8 and this is really some great stuff. Totally ties in a lot of the stuff we were talking about last night.

Eric Z said...


Go to lunch and watch the movie.

Will you go to lunch? Go to lunch!