Mar 2, 2008

A Crazy two weeks

Wow, this has been a really bad couple of weeks. I don't think I have ever felt this overwhelmed due to work and some stuff happening at home. Work, I'm sort of up for a promotion, but my results need to hang in there for the next couple of months while my bosses give me a test drive in the new position. I sort of lost it with one of my managers when he told me that he was sorry for some slight drops in his results and he will try to get them up. "Try??? Try!!! Are you serious? There is no try. There is no hope. You do! You execute! And by the way, no more apologies." I ended up later going back and toning down the message. But still, I feel like a bubble team right now. Just trying not to have a bad loss at home and hoping that my track record from earlier on in the year will hold me over to the promotion. I will keep you all updated.

As for home? Well, Carol and I packed up her Mom's stuff from the beach house two weeks ago and traveled cross country back to Dana Point in a 20 foot truck. And that truck was full of stuff that we finally got put away today. Our house was a disaster for a solid week, but now everything is either where it needs to be or repacked and put away. I can't even explain to you how much lifting I did here at the house moving some furniture. For those of you that have been here, I had to basically bench press a 6ft long 4 ft high dresser on its end over the railing on our stair case. Ahhh, buts is all worth it. We now have a California King size bed that we both have to climb into. One of the most impressive things I've ever had. No more knees in the back or elbows in the head. Just me, myself, and I in the West Wing portion of the bed. Amazing!!!

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