Mar 25, 2008

Still can't think straight

I can't seem to put a timeline together for the trip. Everything is blurring together. My head is still in the clouds. Below are some of the disappointments and lines from the trip.

5. Not gambling enough with Don and Mike. It seemed like I only rolled with Don once and Mike a couple of times. And we played very little BJ together. Maybe it was their choice since Mike basically told me that I was bad luck at the craps table, and both Don and Mike rolled their eyes when I showed up during one session.
4. Getting an allergic reaction right after one of the best meals of my life. Went to Emerils and sat at the chef's table. One of the best experiences of my extensive eating life. We were seated almost in the kitchen with the head chef and wine guy as our waiters. We didn't order anything as the chef would just make different dishes. It was a five course meal with different wines with each course along with dessert and port. Well I guess I had some lime during the dessert portion since I was knocked out for the rest of the night with a "wedding night" type allergic reaction. Ugh....
3. Pop, Lock, and Drop it not catching on during the trip. BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
2. Not keeping up with my golf game. Man, I really suck at golf, which basically doesn't make spending $300 on a round that much fun. I live in SoCal for the love of god and can golf all year. Even if I only golfed once to twice a month for the entire year, that would be more than I ever played back in Baltimore when I was at least decent. Now I'm barely breaking 100...if that.
1. Not placing the under bet on the Tigers win total. I couldn't stop thinking about this before the trip and I totally just forgot until now.

Top 5 lines of the weekend
5. Suck a dick
4. Hello Bee
3. In your life have you ever seen such a thing
2a. Fuck the Five!
2b. Come on Nine!
2c. $5 hop on the hard eight!
1. Maybe.....Yes Sir!!!!

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