A blog dedicated to baseball, golf, football, the Terps, politics, pop culture, MTV, game shows, kids, and other ennui.
Mar 31, 2008
Happy Opening Day!!!

Mar 30, 2008
Saturday in Vegas: Oh My!

Mar 29, 2008
Friday: Verne disapproves

Mar 27, 2008
This is....
Mar 26, 2008
Where do I begin?
So many stories from this trip, and not all are gambling related! Let's start with the diary for the first couple of days and see where that gets us...
Wednesday, 10 pm
Arrive at the casino, and find Kermit. Mer is already down big and is playing the nickel slots as a rest. Hoo boy, this can't be good. He then convinces me to play 3 card poker. That's the first gambling I do this trip - 3 card poker.
Kermit plays the "Pair Plus" only, I play the normal way (ante and then play). The cars are dealt- 3 at a time - to me first, then to Kermit (on 3rd base), then the dealer.
Well, after about 30 minutes of this, I am up about $100. Not a bad way to start! I get up to leave.
"Where are you going?" Kermit says.
I'm up, and going to quit while I'm ahead....
"You're going to mess with the table. Now the dealer is going to get all my cards...and watch, they'll be good ones."
Sure enough, the first hand after I stand up - Mer has nothing, the dealer has a pair. The secodn hand: nothing for Kermit, the dealer has a straight.
I run away from the table.
I find a few others, including Wiz, about 30 minutes later. Wiz and I are walking around, when we get close to the 3 card poker table. Wiz and Kermit have not met, so I wanted to introduce them.
Before I can get within 40 feet of Kermit, all I can see are flying middle fingers at me.
"Kermit, let me introduce you to..."
"You Mother Fucker! You owe me $600!!!"
"What? How?"
"The dealer just had a straight flush! He's been hot since you stood up! That straight flush was 40-1! That's $600!"
A long pause....
"Um, Kermit, have you met Wiz? He's one of Derek's friends..."
"Fuck you...(talking to me, not Wiz). You still owe me $600....."
Well, this is getting off to a nice start. After a disastrous Pai Gow session and a losing Craps sessions, I go to bed around 2, 2:30 on the couch. I set my alarm for 5:30 so I can run over to the Mirage and place the sports bets before golf....
Thursday, 4:15 am
Well, that didn't work. Here I am, wide awake on 1 3/4 hours of sleep. I run over to the Mirage, and then find that the book doesn't open until about 5:45. I get my wagers in , take a shower, get in the car and play in a fivesome with Mike, Don, Kermit and Jeff M, one of Layup's friends. Oh - and Andre, the caddy.
The golf was good - the caddy was a bit superflous - but we were all tired by the back nine. I found out who my real friends were on the 5th hole, however.....
I had a downhill, left-to-right putt for a par of about 4 feet. Now, the left-to-righters are the hardest to make for a right hander, since it is a natural tendency to either a) guide the putter's path to the hole, causing a push, or to b) lift the head up and push as well. These are the putts that take the longest to feel comfortable with early in the season.
Well, here I am, with my back to everyone, and I ease up on the putt and lift up slightly and the ball grazes the right lip and misses. Damn. Then I hear commotion behind me.
"Oh, we made a bet on this putt. Someone won $5."
And dammit, I can't remember now who bet with me or against me.
We get back from golf - Jeff smoked us all (his swing was impressive), and I took a short nap in the room. I woke up in the second half of the Stanford-Cornell game (you don't tell time in Vegas this weekend by a clock, you use basketball games as a reference) and head downstairs.
Another losing craps session and off I went to the book. Placed bets and then came upstairs, finding an open blackjack table. We all - 6 of us? - sit down. Kermit is 3rd base.
Well, Wiz finds himself with a 4-2 (for a total of 6) against a dealer 6. He promptly doubles. He gets a 2 - for a total of 8. Kermit mumbles something about not being a move "by the book", and of course we all lose the hand.
"You don't double on 6!" Kermit argues.
"Yes you do - the dealer has 6 - you want all the money on the table with a 6 showing!" Wiz replies
"Is that what the card says?" asks Kermit. Wiz looks. "No...."
"No... " Kermit repeats.
Wiz protests anyway - "but you should put all your money out there with a 6 showing!"
"Well then maybe you should write your own card, then!"
"Maybe I will!" Wiz responds.......
The sides were drawn. I think I'm on Kermit's side for this one. The card is drawn up for a reason.......
I watch the basketball games in Jay-Z's sports lounge/nightclub where I am clearly the whitest person there, and then we go to dinner. After some more non-descript gambling, I think, we got to bed around 12:30 or so. I have taken my contacts out and am wearing a Browns t-shirt and mesh shorts. I need to take a dump. I open the bathroom stall door...
"Occupied!" shouts a cheery voice from the can. Of course, it is Kermit.
"Mer, how long?" I ask desperately.
"It's not going to be short....."
I pace around the room for about 5 minutes.
"Why don't you go downstairs?"
So that's what Don and I do - in our sleepwear, we plod through the casino to do our nightly business.
Mar 25, 2008
Still can't think straight
5. Not gambling enough with Don and Mike. It seemed like I only rolled with Don once and Mike a couple of times. And we played very little BJ together. Maybe it was their choice since Mike basically told me that I was bad luck at the craps table, and both Don and Mike rolled their eyes when I showed up during one session.
4. Getting an allergic reaction right after one of the best meals of my life. Went to Emerils and sat at the chef's table. One of the best experiences of my extensive eating life. We were seated almost in the kitchen with the head chef and wine guy as our waiters. We didn't order anything as the chef would just make different dishes. It was a five course meal with different wines with each course along with dessert and port. Well I guess I had some lime during the dessert portion since I was knocked out for the rest of the night with a "wedding night" type allergic reaction. Ugh....
3. Pop, Lock, and Drop it not catching on during the trip. BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
2. Not keeping up with my golf game. Man, I really suck at golf, which basically doesn't make spending $300 on a round that much fun. I live in SoCal for the love of god and can golf all year. Even if I only golfed once to twice a month for the entire year, that would be more than I ever played back in Baltimore when I was at least decent. Now I'm barely breaking 100...if that.
1. Not placing the under bet on the Tigers win total. I couldn't stop thinking about this before the trip and I totally just forgot until now.
Top 5 lines of the weekend
5. Suck a dick
4. Hello Bee
3. In your life have you ever seen such a thing
2a. Fuck the Five!
2b. Come on Nine!
2c. $5 hop on the hard eight!
1. Maybe.....Yes Sir!!!!
First of many...
Late Friday afternoon Wiz and I bump into each other in the casino and are starting to get a little bored. Lee and Eric are gone upstairs. These two are usually the ones to keep Wiz and I out of trouble.
Bad Idea number 1: Three Card Poker: Wiz watches a little while I get my ass kicked at 3-card poker. This game sucks. Kermit just bets the bonus, drinks, and watches people walk by in the casino. Not a bad game at all to do this with. Getting a little bored, Kermit, Wiz, Micah, and I decide to play some craps.
Bad Idea number 2: $10 Craps-Don't Pass Line: Wiz and I were feeling so bad after getting rocked earlier in the day, that we decided to open up a $10 craps table by just betting the don't pass line. Just imagine four guys, all cheering for a 7. We made sure that nobody else was at the table so we didn't feel that bad. And that is when I caught fire. I couldn't roll a seven to save my life. And then Kermit starts to bet with me on the pass line and the numbers and was making some pretty good money, while the rest of us were losing. Then a guy settles up next to Wiz and drops $1000 into the game and Wiz feels guilty about betting the don't pass, so we all switch over to the pass line, and its gets confusing from there. I ended up leaving in disgust, pissed at Wiz for coming up with the idea, and Kermit for winning.
Bad Idea number 3: Roulette- So I go over to play some roulette. Nothing major, just want to relax and bet some numbers. Wiz comes along and watches. While we are there, red numbers start to hit. I ended up putting $10 on black for one spin, and it comes up red. So I press to $20 the next spin, and it comes up red. Press to $40, red. Press to $80, red. Press to $160, red. At this point, about 13 reds have come up in a row. Wiz is salivating and says that we have to do it one more time. So I decide to press to $320, hold Wiz's hand and wait.......red. I yelled "FUCK" as loud as I could. Not a good thing. Wiz wanted to press again, but at that point, my bankroll was hurting. Then a young little girl comes to the table to put $50 on black. We decide just to put another $100 on black to go with her. Wiz was very clear that we all had to hold hands for good luck. So Wiz grabs her one hand, and I grab her other hand. After about 2 seconds, she drops my hand and I turn to the wheel to see if it hits red again. Wiz, in totally desperation pleads with the girl that she has to hold his hand for good luck. She then tells us that this is her first wager in a casino ever. Wiz goes ballistic. WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL US THIS BEFORE. I WOULD OF UNLOADED IF I KNEW THAT. The dealer waves off the board for no more bets and it lands on black. Finally it hits, but it really doesn't do us much good after $600 earlier.
I pick up in disgust and head up to the room with Wiz. Wiz was livid at the girl for not telling us sooner that she never gambled before. We are so disheveled and a little tipsy that we can't get our key to work for the room. After about 2-3 minutes of trying about 100 times to get into the room, I look up and realize that while we have the room number correct, we are 3 floors off from our room.
And this is the main reason why Wiz and I should never be left alone in the casino. But after Eric's performance on Sunday in the Mirage, I believe he is coming over to the dark side as well.
Just trying to get back to normal...
- Opened up a $10 craps table with Wiz, Micah, and Kermit. And we were all playing the don't pass line. The dealers and the pit boss were so confused.
- Wiz and I being left alone unsupervised that cost me $1000. We opened up a $25 craps table and then proceeded to dump money on black at the roulette table. And yes, we lost. There is a great story with the black wager that I will go into more detail later on which involves Wiz and a possible sexual assault case. Just to give you a taste, these words came out of Wiz's mouth to an innocent 21 year old girl playing roulette. "Hold my hand god-dammit"
- Eric and Wiz doing great golf calls for blackjack. Using the terms "Maybe...Yes sir", "In your life", and "What a terrible club selection" was priceless.
- Lee actually rolling extremely well. Made me tons of money at the craps table. He was so hot that he even hit a hard 8 hop bet.
- Eric being nicknamed The Cooler at the craps table.
- Micah being called the The Cooler with everything else.
- Kermit vs. Wiz discussion at the blackjack table. This rivaled my discussion with Lee's brother in law from two years back. Priceless.
- Wiz telling the BJ dealer "be gentle...just the tip" whenever he had a 13-16.
- Hello Bee!!!
- Eric's weird love affair with a 65 year old Texas Hold em dealer.
- The Whale at the Mirage. No not a big gambler, but a 350 pound women that wouldn't leave Eric, Wiz, or I alone.
- Grandma Moses who couldn't deal for shit while Wiz and I played high limit blackjack. It took her at least 3 tries per card to get it to come out. BRUTAL!!!!!
- Its great to see that "Backdoor Action" will never go out of style.
- Eric doing the actual ref calls for a basketball game in front of everyone in the cabana on Saturday.
- The lovely Alison Lacey from the Iowa St Lady Cyclones making clutch free throws at the end of the game to cover the spread by one.
- Still trying to figure out how one losses a wedding ring by himself at a Pai Gow table.
Mar 18, 2008
March of Dimes
100 Hours in Vegas
So - instead of laying out the financial budget for the trip, why not list out the time budget for these 99 hours? How can I maximize the gambling time for those 99 hours?
"Planned" losses for the trip:
Sleep - 4x6 hrs? - 24 hours. I think this is a good guess at it. Does it include the nap/passing out at the cabana on Saturday?
Travel to/from Airport - 4 hours
Meals - 10 hours
Golf - 14 hours total
"Watching tv" in the Palazzo bathroom - 1 hour (possibly more)
Total planned losses: 53 hours
So that leaves 46 free hours.
"unplanned", wasted time:
Wandering around the casino/book trying to shop lines/talk to janitors to elicit tips on games: 4 hours
Watching games, hoping for Portland St to score a meaningless basket in the last 30 second to lose 100-44, thus covering the over: 10 hours
Playing the role of a beached whale, sunning myself at the cabana and being a body double for the "before" person on the NutriSystem commercials: 4 hours
That leaves 28 hours for gambling. So if I stay under $50 loss per hour, we should be fine!
(By the way, my body still hasn't adjusted in coming back from France. The last three mornings I have woken up at 5:30 wide awake. I better adjust soon, or else I'll be waking up at 3 or so in Vegas every morning - just in time to see Don come in from poker and strip in front of me. *shiver*)
Mar 17, 2008
Two days and counting
Sportsbook ($600): I strongly urge everyone to call Eric before the trip and let him walk you through his post on how to come up with what to bet on each game. It was an eye opening experience. While I was drawing out the equations on a big white board that I had when I used to run a book, it all started to make such clear sense. A couple of things I found out while doing this:
- My probability of each game should be below 50%. What a shocker eh? I put it at 40%, but the peanut gallery (Carol) chimed in that it should be around 20%. Thanks for the vote of confidence honey.
- By changing my P to a lower percentage, I can already take into account having some bad stretches. Makes me feel comfortable to then wager on my allotted games and know that in the end, I should be well within my budget.
- I said I was going to only bet on 10 games a day, which is actually an increase over last year. With that being said, I already like 11 games on Thursday and that is without the NIT, Women's games, and the NBA. Will have to do a little more research on this.
Craps ($2000)- Yes, this is my biggest allotment of cash to one game. I absolutely love craps. And yes I will be playing $25 craps for one session. Why do I have a feeling that all of us will be at this craps table by ourselves with Eric, Don, Mike, and Kermit on one end and Lee, Micah, Wiz, and I on the other end and it will be a pass vs. don't pass war for the ages. This will probably end with a fist fight between a couple of us.
BJ ($1000)- I have about 6 BJ cards that I will be putting into everyone of my jeans and shorts so I will never be without one for the trip.
Roulette ($600)- I have added a cushion in on this budget for a round of stupid bets with Wiz.
Pai Gow ($300)- I have no idea on how much to budget here. I went with $300 last year so I'm going with the same again since it seemed to work out.
Wheel ($200)- Two sessions allotted.Other ($300)- I have set aside some money for the spa.
Vegas Planning
Tip Offs around 9:20-9:40 PT
3 Xavier - 14 Georgia
1 Kansas - 16 Portland St
5 Michigan St - 12 Temple
Tip Offs around 11:30-12:00 PT
6 Marquette va 11 Kentucky
6 Purdue vs 11 Baylor
9 UNLV vs 9 Kent St
4 Pittsburgh vs 13 Oral Roberts
Tip Off at 2:00 PT
3 Stanford vs 14 Cornell
Tip Offs around 4:10 - 4:25 PT
6 USC vs 11 Kansas St
2 Duke vs 15 Belmont
4 Washington St vs 13 Winthrop
8 BYU vs 9 Texas A&M
Tip Offs around 6:40-6:55 PT
3 Wisconsin vs 14 CS-Fullerton
7 West Virginia vs 10 Arizona
5 Notre Dame vs 12 George Mason
1 UCLA vs 16 Miss Valley St
Tip Offs around 9:10-9:25 PT
2 Tennessee vs 15 American
7 Gonzaga vs 10 Davidson
7 Miami-FL vs 10 St Mary's
5 Drake vs 12 Western Kentucky
Tip Offs around 11:45-12:00 PT
7 Butler vs 10 South Alabama
2 Georgetown vs 15 UMBC
2 Texas vs 15 Austin Peay
4 Connecticut vs 13 San Diego
Tip Offs around 4:10-4:25 PT
6 Oklahoma vs 11 St Joseph's
4 Vanderbilt vs 13 Siena
8 Mississippi St vs 9 Oregon
1 North Carolina vs 16 Mount St Mary's/Coppin St
Tip Offs around 6:40-6:55 PT
8 Indiana vs 9 Arkansas
3 Louisville vs 14 Boise St
5 Clemson vs 12 Villanovs
1 Memphis vs 16 TX-Arlington
The first thing that stands out is that Don and Mike will be rushing to play fast in order to get back to see the Purdue game. If we play in 4 hours, we'll get back by around 11:45 or so - just after tip. Unless Eric decides to go into stall mode on the course....
Mar 16, 2008
It's NIT Time!
The brackets can be found here at this link.
As usual, the scoring system is:
1 pt for 1st round winners
2 pts for 2nd round winners
4 pts for 3rd round winners (that's your final four)
8 pts for 4th roudn winners
16 pts for the Champion.
Tiebreaker: total points in championship game
$5 entry. All entries must be sent to me before 6 pm Eastern on Tuesday, March 18.
Down the stretch they come
1. Everyone is up in arms about Arizona. Count them in for one win.
2. UCLA will not make it out of their regional. Whenever they say that someone has an easy avenue to the final four, they usually end up stumbling early on.
3. On the flip side, man look at the UNC regional. I was waiting on taking TN and Lousiville to the final four if they were all in separate regionals.
4. Portland State got screwed. They are a great team and they go up against Kansas? Whatever.
5. UMBC- they have some size and are a pretty solid team. Not calling an upset here, but I think they can cover.
6. Fullerton- Got burned last year with LBC against TN. The Big West struggled outside of their conference, so I'm just going with the under in this game.
7. I'm looking for an easy upset, but I can't really find one, which is good. Usually I'm all excited about one and I get destroyed. I am very interested in San Diego vs UConn. San Diego has proved that they can play on the road and win. Maybe??
8. Finally I just want to say great job to Nike. These commercials that they have recently pumped out are outstanding!!!
I'd rather be thinking about Vegas
- Bottle Service- Bottles that are pre-purchased and at your table, allowing you to bypass the packed bar. Come to find out that each bottle was about $450. Why?
- Elevated roped off area- We had our own security to keep the riff raff away from our elevated sofas and tables. Felt very important wearing my one "going out" shirt.
- FREE- Every once in a while Carol and her friends want to go out to clubs to go dancing. The worst part is waking up the next morning to find the 4 or 5 massive credit card receipts and realize that it was the biggest waste of money. This time, the birthday girl's boyfriend paid for everything. Total cost of the night was $8 for me.
Got home around 2 am and then Carol and I spent the next hour looking for an open fast food joint that was open. After hitting every major store, only Del Taco was open. After three tacos and a large chili fries, I was passed out and on my way to a massive hangover the next morning.
And the best part of the night had to be the people watching. How many sluts can you fit into one club in San Diego? About 500 by my count. And you can probably add another 300 douche bags as well.
Why is there cakebatter in my hair?

Mar 14, 2008
Statistical Homework for the weekend
Given that you have $X amount available to bet on sports, and you are picking N games over a finite time period, and you accept R% risk that your cash may be lost on these game, then what is the optimal bet size that you should make?
First, we need to establish the probability p of a successful bet. What should p be:
p =
0.5 for normal uses
0.57 for Eric's NFL picks, 2005-2006
0.41 for Eric's NFL picks, 2007
0.37 if your name is Leland
0.75 if you are Kermit and betting against any games where Wiz and Eric agree
Each bet is a sample from the binomial distribution.
The expected wins are Np.
The standard deviation for the # of wins is the square root of (N)(p)(1-p)
So if you are someone like Eric in 2003, N would be 60 and p=0.5, the expected # of wins is 30 with a std deviation of sqrt(15), or about 4.
OK - now as the number of games increase, this approaches the bell curve distribution. That's the key here. You can now use the bell curve to have a confidence that you won't lose more than a certain number of games.
You have a 3% or less chance to lose more than (Np)-2 std deviations. You only have a 15% chance to lose more than (Np)-1 std deviation. We'll call D to be the # of deviations you are willing to accept. A 10% chance is 1.3 std deviations.
Given the D you choose, you now have that confidence in going having (Np-D*Std Dev) wins and (Np+D*Std Dev) losses.
You then use this to figure out your maximum loss. Your maximum loss given your D is:
(Np - D*(Std Dev))*B - (Np + D(Std Dev))*(B*1.10), where Std Dev is the standard deviation you figured out above.
Now you set this maximum loss to your bankroll and solve for B - voila! Your optimum unit bet size!
For example, Layup has $500 to work with and wants to bet 16 games (5 mens, 10 womens, with a double unit on the Lady Boilers). He is willing to take 15% risk.
We assume he does not listen to Leland and his p for each game is 50%.
Expected wins: Np = 8
Std deviation: sqrt(N*p*(1-p)) = sqrt(16*0.25) = 2
Now, his D for 15% risk is 1. So his worse case is (8-2) wins and (8+2) losses, with 15% risk. In other words, he is taking a 15% chance that he will not do worse than 6-10.
What would Layup bet to be 6-10 and lose his bankroll, $500?
6B - 11B = 500; B = 100.
So therefore he will make $100 bets.
It can be shown that if Layup was more conservative and took only 3% risk, his unit bet would then be only $54.34. This will be an exercise for the reader. (I've always wanted to say that.....)
"Well", you say, "he may go 1-6 and be out of money by 2:00 pm on Thursday!". That's the 15% risk. Or that's the alcohol making the picks. Or Don is whispering "Big Ten" in his ear all weekend.
Goals for the trip
My goal is to.....
1) Open the trip with a Tom Collins
2) Go 60% in my basketball picks. That means going 14-10 or so for 24 games.
3) Avoid a "Black XXXday", like Black Friday in 2006 or Black Saturday in 2007
4) "Take Over" a table one time during the weekend (like the Monte Carlo table, 2006 or the infamous Pai Gow table in 2007)
5) Beat everyone in golf by at least 3 shots on one of the two days
6) Get drunk on the course one of the two days. I still smile when I think of Mer and I on that public course, drinking vodka tonics for 5 straight hours....I then 3-putt 17 and 18 to lose by 1 (I think)...we then find a podunk casino, play craps for 3 hours, drive back (Mer was in no shape to drive, and I was worse), trade text messages with Kermit's (ex) stripper girlfriend....then make an ass of myself at dinner..... ahhhhhh
7) "Win" (or "lose"?) at Credit Card Roulette. My name is not being picked. Do we have a limit?
8) Stay at a $25 Pai Gow table for more than 1 hour.
9) Have enough to take a stab at a $25 Craps table session.....gulp
10) Drink patterns at a table:
- if before 9 am, coffee; after the coffee, Kahlua and Cream
- between 9 am and 6 pm: water and Daiquiris
- after 6 pm: Mr. Tom Collins!
11) Get to know the Venetian sports book ticket man by name
12) stay disciplined and avoid any World Wars (see 2003)
13) shout "$80,000" once
14) say "Hello, Bee" at least 10 times
15) yell "Backdoor Action" as many times as possible
The last one....
The D'Artagan/George W Bush Game
(1) Tennessee vs (16) Md-Baltimore County
(by the way, how far is UMBC from Diamond Ridge? Can you see the campus from the golf course? God, what piece of crap courses we played in high school........ I still remember having to leave the back nine of my match on 15, 4 up with 4 to play, becuase I had to fill a role in Hereford's production of "Guys and Dolls" that night......
I'm sorry, where were we?
The Don Hershey Game
(4) Purdue vs (13) Oral Roberts
Layup's 5-12 Upset
(5) Butler vs (12) Western Kentucky
The Wiz Heart Attack Game
(6) Clemson vs (11) South Alabama
Eric's Ohio Underdog Game
(7) Oklahoma vs (10) Kent St
The RRD Virginia Lock Game
(vacant....although this may change on Sunday)
The Leland/John the Pai Gow Dealer Game
(7) Mississippi St vs (10) Arizona
The Kermit P "if all 7 of you are going one way, I know which way I'm going" Game
(8) West Virginia vs (9) St Mary's
The Mike D Cheesesteak Game
(6) Michigan St vs (11) St Joseph's
The Micah game most likely to end in broken bones (by the bettors, just to be clear)
(7) Pittsburgh vs (10) UNLV
Layup's $500 on the Money Line Game
(3) Wisconsin vs (14) UC - Santa Barbara
Wiz's ACC / Mid-Atlantic Lock of the Week
(8) Davidson vs (9) Miami-FL
The Gus Johnson Game
(6) Washington St vs (11) Illinois St
The 8-9 Game No One Cares About
(8) Gonzaga vs (9) Texas A&M
The 9:00 on Thursday First Upset of the Tournament
(4) Indiana vs (13) Stephen F. Austin
(or should I have put the Heart Attack Game here too?)
The Game No One But Eric Cares About
(6) BYU vs (11) Oregon
Eric's Random Unload on an Over/Under Game
(3) Xavier vs (14) Siena
We are on the bubble....
Well, if I was AD of UMCP I would see how next year turns out and if we mis the tournament again, I would give him the axe. Look, I know what he did for the program, he is a decent coach who had a very nice run from 1993 to 2002. But how long does he get the "get-out-of-jail-free" card?? Going to the NIT three of the last four years is a complete joke. We have top line facilities, an appealing school, a decent location, top conference, etc. I am a realist, I know we aren't going to get Duke and Carolina's kids - I get that. But there is a HUGE delta to the level of those programs and not even making the freaking tournament. As UM fans OUR money and donations helped erect the Comcast center in the afterglow of the final four runs and championship. Well six years later, and where are we??? I don't believe the vision for the Comcast center was hosting first round NIT games!
So doing a little autopsy on this season leads me to a few points:
- We led the conference in FG% defense and FG% offense. But yet the scoring margin was negative. Why?? Turnovers. Yes, we led the conf in assists, but that came with a huge penalty of being the most inefficient offense (2nd in turnovers).
- The Eric Hayes Experience. Yes, I have an entire bullet point on him. What a disappointment he has been. Remember coming in how he was the next Steve Blake? At this rate, he is just hoping to become the next Matt Kouvarik. Ugh. It looks like he has one ACC level skill - shooting the three (and even that isn't spectacular). Honestly, he belongs as a backup two guard who could play 10 to 12 minutes and maybe knock down a three - he is NOT an ACC starter. He is pathetic on defense, is an absolute turnover machine (even after being stripped of point guard duties), and seems to have no confidence when handling the ball. Over the last six deciding games here is what the Eric Hayes Experience submitted - 41% FG, 9.4 PPG, 1.7 APG and (wait for it...) 3.14 TURNOVERS PER GAME. This is despite the fact that his point guard minutes evaporated to Vazquez AND Bowie over this stretch - amazing.
- Our interior defense made up for a lot of ills. Osby, Gist and Burnie really helped control the glass and defend the paint (hence the block shot and FG% numbers). However, our perimeter defense was awful and we ranked near the bottom of the conference in steals, even though we played some trapping and pressing. That is a complete indictment of our backcourt and wing players. If this doesn't improve dramatically next season (with Osby and Gist gone), we will filling out an NIT bracket once again.
- Less is more for Vasquez. Hey, I'm a charter member of the Vasquez fan club - I was on early last year. He makes a lot of dumb moves, but I still like him. However, I don't really think he is a point guard. I think with him "dominating" the ball so much it is not the best use of his skills. I would like to see him as a point forward. You can still have a lot of offense go through him, but more on the wing, and less controlling the dribble of the ball full court. Plus, having a front court player (SF) with his passing ability is a big advantage if you have another pure PG on the floor. Right now that guy doesn't really exist (unless Bowie is your man next year?), so there isn't much of a choice. You have to sink or swim with Vasquez right now.
My $.02 - feel free to chime in Terp fans. I know you want to vent!
Mar 13, 2008
Sorry for this interruption...
1) I received an English menu at this restaurant, and one appetizer appealed to me:
" Souffle of salmon, with prawns and American Sauce - CHEF SPECIALITY!"
Ok, sounds good, so I ordered it.....and then I wondered - what do the French think "American Sauce" is? Ketchup? Cocktail Sauce? Tartar sauce?
The surprise is revealed at the end of this blog post.
2) After a day of training Europeans on technical topics, I then am asked at dinner to explain the US Presidential Election process. Try this sometime. "Well, each party nominates a candidate, but, uh... it takes 6 months to do that"
and then:
"So then there is an election in November?"
"Yes - we then choose between the major candidates."
"But - you already voted early in the year! You made your choice!"
"No - we can switch. We can vote for McCain in the spring and - if we want - we can vote for Obama in the fall."
This was shocking to Europeans. Their representative government that they are used has the local reps pick the president, not the people in general. The fact that a Republican can vote for McCain in the primary and then Obama/Clinton in the fall was a puzzler to them.
3) A slice of home: there was a lull in the conversation tonight: during that quiet period, I hear a song in the background. Could it be? No....Yes! Yes it is!
I know there's only, only one like you.
There's no way they could have made two.
Girl you're my reality
But I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, you're the last, my everything
Barry! It's like somebody smuggled a Sirius radio over here and turned it on Channel 7 - the 70's!
God, is it Vegas time yet?
Answer: American Sauce is......gravy. As far as I can tell, it's like Mushroom gravy. Straight out of a Franco-American jar. It was good gravy, don't get me wrong.....but putting that on shrimp and a seafood souffle? Wow. Just...weird. Somebody went to too many KFCs when they visited America.
Is it Wednesday yet?

Mar 12, 2008
I can't wait to......
I can't wait to....
- see the Vegas strip in the window of my arriving plane
- have the first Tom Collins at a Black Jack Table Wed night
- getting drunk on the golf course with Kermit on Thu morning, Fri morning, or both
- say "$100 parlay on Mt St Mary's and UMBC, please"*
- say "Hello, Bee" to the Ace of Spades
- having three or four of you asking for my picks when we all know I'm no better than 50-50
- cheer Kent State to their 7-10 upset - and winning on the money line
- watch Wiz, Layup and Leland get drunk and wager high sums of money on roulette (note to self: stay away)
- resolve to join Mike D at a $25 craps table this trip sometime
- ridicule Kermit and his blazing 7's
- be intrigued by this new Baccarat fetish that Don has
- stand in awe of Micah as he reacts to basketball games ever worse than I do
- plalce lines on ridiculous wagers (like female sex partners of our waitress) at dinner on Friday/Saturday night
- wake up early morning on Thursday to study the men's lines
- wake up early morning on Saturday to study the women's lines
- resolve to have a long session at a $25 table - wither BJ or Pai Gow
- hit a lotto ticket (my motto: the 14th parlay is the charm!)
Mar 11, 2008
We apologize...

Any possible names yet?
Loss Limit
Anyway, I wanted to comment a little more in depth about Eric's question about entertainment vs. making money on the Vegas trip. This has been a huge issue with me over the course of 11 years out in Vegas. I used to think that "Well, I have a budget and if I don't come home with anything, then so be it. As long as I had fun with my friends, I'm happy." This would allow me to handle losing sessions a little better and not become depressed when I came home with nothing. But after 10 years of this happening, I started to I realize that when I had this attitude, it made me very careless with my money and I had a tendency to stay at tables when I should of gotten up and walked away. This all changed last year.
When I was reading my posts from all of my trips last year, I found a common theme. I became more focused on my budget and I planned on making money. This resulted in much smaller losing sessions and my 1st actual winning trip. And when I looked at how I planned out those trips, it all came down to limiting the budget on those areas that cost me the most in years past, the Sportsbook and Roulette. I know that some people plan a budget for the entire trip, or by day. This never worked for me, so I actually had to budget by type of game.
Now that doesn't mean that I won't play them at all, but I have to have some type of controls and limits when I do. For example, in 2006 and prior, the Sportsbook would bleed me to death. I would have about 4 games that I liked. I would bet them heavy and then after a couple of drinks I would bet some more. Then if I started to lose, I would panic and bet even more games, or if I won, I would bet more games. No matter which way my day turned, I would be betting more and losing more at the end of the trip. In the end it would be a disaster. And I'm not a good college basketball handicapper. That's why I started a book. I also discovered that I could get just as excited with $20 on a game than $50 or $100. So knowing that I suck at college basketball and I enjoy the games just as much with a smaller amount, why would I just throw money away. So now, I set a lose limit of $600 for the trip, bet a smaller selection of games and that's it.
The same works for Roulette. I let myself have two full sessions at roulette. If I lose everything allotted during those two sessions, then that is it. But if I win, I will allow myself to play a little bit more at Roulette. But I won't roll that money over into another type of game to cover those losses. Once I hit my loss limit for a game, then that is it. And during the course of last year, I never hit my loss limit on a type of game since I was a little more careful with my money.
I also know that there is nothing that is going to stop the stupid bets that happen when the 8 of us get together. $100 on black, $100 a hand for Pai Gow, or $500 on the Lady Boilermakers. But as long as this fits into my budget for that game, then I'm OK with it.
So now my viewpoint is that I want to win money. But I also know that my enjoyment is not only tied to coming out ahead, but also gambling a lot at different games. So by setting a hard loss limit, I'm able to enjoy myself as well as come out ahead.
Mar 10, 2008
New term
"Time out..TIME OUT"
Those have been some of the terms from years past out in Vegas. The new one I'm going to try for Vegas 08 is for unloading on a wager.
Example #1:
Eric: So who do you like in the Clemson-Gonzaga game tonight.
Derek: Ohhh man, I'm going to pop, lock, and drop it on the Zags!!!!
Example #2:
Wiz: Wow Derek, you haven't had any good cards lately.
Derek: Well my luck will change right now as I pop, lock, and drop it on this next hand.
I don't know. Any thoughts? I'm going to try it out here at work first to see how it goes over. "Derek, how much do you think this case is worth?" "Well, I think we should pop, lock, and drop it and get the hell out of going to trial on this one."
2008 Golf Season Preview
but we preempt our golf preview post with a breaking news flash that may impact the 2008 season:
Come and knock on our door
We've been waiting for you
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his,
Three's company too.....
Come and dance on our floor.
Take a step that is new
We've a lovable space that needs your face,
Three's company, too......
You'll see that life is a ball again
and laughter is calling for you.
Down at our rendezvous,
Three is company, too!
Mar 9, 2008
Credit Card Roulette
First, I got a great call the other night from Wiz. Wiz was at dinner with Lee, Micah, and company and he was pissed that nobody wanted to play credit card roulette. I love how I have the reputation of playing this game all the time, when that really isn't the case at all. But let's be clear, we will be playing this at least once in Vegas. Those of you who don't want to play, speak up now, not at the dinner table.
Secondly, I got some bad luck out of the way today. Went to DelMar to do some off-track betting with Carol and her friends. I bet the wrong horse once and was just missing in almost every other race. Ended up only winning one race. ONE RACE!!! Ugh. On the bright side, I am now a Del Mar VIP member, so that should be a lot of fun during the summer months.
Fuck the Terps. Wow they looked terrible. At least we don't have to worry about missing the game if we are out golfing.
Watching the Lakers vs. the Kings and noticed two things;
a. I should of made the wager on the Lakers back when they were 7-1 to win the title. Ask Eric how close I was in putting in that wager.
b. Ron Artest is crazy. He is driving Kobe crazy. I love it.
Philosophy in Vegas
Ok, ok, I'm in France this week. I'm all screwed up with the time - it's midnight here and I've had 4 hours of sleep in the last 38 hours, yet I am wide awak.
As we prepare for an avalanche of Vegas preview posts (started superbly by Layup), I'm questioning my philosophy in Vegas.
For next week only - are you gambling to win money? Or are you gambling to have fun?
Different answers to that questions leads us down different paths of money management/bankroll/etc. So most books that I read say that you need to answer this question clearly before going on any further.
Honestly, I don't know how to answer. I'm truly torn.
Talk amongst yourselves....
Mar 7, 2008
Vegas 12 days and counting.....
- Total Number of Posts- 1087
- First post was made by Eric on 5/31/2005 about the tribe reaching .500
- The next 5 posts continued to be from Eric, posting about Diet Rite, the A's getting rid of Kendal, more soda blogging, and the new coach of the Cavs. Its nice to see that nothing has changed in 3 years.
- We have posted about Vegas 118 times, which means that only 10% of the blog is dedicated to Vegas. One weekend I will take the time to see how many of the posts are about gambling, the browns, Jay's hatred for the Yanks, and Jon's love for Paris.
- I went to Vegas 6 times by April in 2006.
- It is obvious that the 06 trip was probably one of our best trips. The comments and posts are classic. Below are my top ten lines from the last two years:
- Derek from the bachelor party: "Rutgers is a Fraud. A fucking fraud. And Eric, I don't want to hear it from you on college football again."
- Jay from Blondie's bachelor party: "Trying to convince Derek to grind with this random Bride at the Rio and yell "I get deeper from the back!!" Never happened though...Derek telling Kerri that he was going to give her a "DDT". I haven't heard "wrastling" lexicon since grade school.
- Derek's angry comment number 1 from 2/9/06: "Who is this guy Don? He comes out once and has Eric convinced to go somewhere else other than Smith and Wollenskys for dinner, because he can get a steak anywhere? Can someone tell him that the steak is better than the ones they serve at Applebees in Cincy? What the hell is this? "
- Eric's comments before the 06 trip: "Any male who stays on 16 against a 10 is a communist or a Howard Dean supporter."
- Kermit comments before the 06 trip: Let's start with insurance. If I'm humming Mexican Nortenas or singing Monty Python songs out loud, I must be drunk and winning. So, take insurance when I do.
- Kermit's comments before the 06 trip: Anybody who drinks Tom Collins, should run for public office.
- Leland's comments before the 06 trip: Leland here, blogging from Derek's laptop while driving to Vegas. We're currently going about 100 mph trying to make up time from sitting in a traffic jam from a road re-paving. While I look at the screen to type, we are whizzing by trucks so fast that they are literally just a blur in my peripheral vision. If we live, we should be there in about 90 minutes!
- Don's comments after the 06 trip: Its Tuesday morning. I got 8 continuous hours of sleep last night, and I still hurt. Now thats the sign of a good trip.
- Jay's comments from my bachelor party: "I was outside for a grand total of 11 minutes the entire weekend. Warrants mentioning."
- Don 's comments from the 07 trip: "I like sleeping with Derek (although, apparently, this is the last time that will happen). He likes the room cold, stays on his side, leaves the TV on and asks how the night went before I zonk out. Very thoughtful. With the exception of dinner on Thursday, the only time I saw Derek was in the room – we were on completely opposite schedules. And yes, I do not sleep with a shirt on, I just can’t do it."
And I can't take specific comments from Wiz's post since everything was amazing. Take the time to read this. WOW!!!
And here are Eric's great posts from a Mar 2006, Nov 2006, and the classic I believe post. All great.
Drive or Fly
Mar 6, 2008
The Ikea guy is number 7?
The sons inherited their fortune from their late father, renowned industrialist Dhirubhai Ambani. But they couldn't get along, and in 2005 their mother brokered a peace settlement breaking up the family's assets. Mukesh is using some of his money to build a 27-story home.
First, I found it funny that their mom had to "broker" a deal between the two of them. Its like my mom having to sit Eric and I down as we split up $42 billion. Ummm, I'm sure we could of found a way. Secondly, what is up with a 27 story home? Is he trying to get on MTV Cribs? Actually all of the profiles are a little funny. For Warren Buffett is says that he first filed a tax return at age 13 and took a $5 deduction for his bike. Not a bad way to waste some time.
Maybe I shouldn't of had so many cookies the night before.
Down with NAFTA, up with Pillsbury

Had a wonderful debate with Eric and Lee about NAFTA and outsourcing last night and I was going to do some research and post up a blog. Did some research on the Dept of Labor website and found some very interesting stats about US jobs. But then I got sidetracked by the call of our newly purchased, "tub of cookies" that we bought from Costco. This tub is huge and allows us to bake cookies at any time. Not being really "green" when I fire up the oven for 4 cookies. Well those 4 cookies turned into 8 as I discovered I still had Girl Scout Cookies in the pantry. So after 8 cookies I went into a sugar coma and couldn't really do anything other than watch American Idol and annoy Carol while she tried to do some work. Then that turned into me getting another cookie and playing some video games until 11.
Oh, and Carol wants a shout out on the blog since she had to endure sitting here watching Glenn Gary Glenn Ross over and over again while I wrote that last blog. Thank you Carol.
So NAFTA will have to wait.
Mar 4, 2008
Two weeks to go
(and, it seems, I was completely wrong on the Ohio Analysis below. Oops!)
Eric's Democratic Lines:
Who will be the Democratic Nominee in 2008?
Barack Obama -150
Hillary Clinton +120
Al Gore +900 (and dropping)
Field +2000
When will Obama or Clinton officially drop out?
Before June 25 -110
After June 25 -110
The D'Artagan/George W Bush Game
(5) Vanderbilt vs (12) Maryland
The Don Hershey Game
(4) Purdue vs (13) Oral Roberts
Layup's 5-12 Upset
(5) Drake vs (12) Florida
The Wiz Heart Attack Game
The Eric Ohio Underdog Game
(6) Clemson vs (11) Kent St
The RRD Virginia Game
(5) Michigan St vs (12) Virginia Commonwealth
The Leland/John the Pai Gow Dealer Game
(8) Kansas St vs (9) Arizona
The Kermit Pollari "if all 7 of you are going one way...." game
(7) Southern Cal vs (10) Texas A&M
The Mike D Cheesesteak Game
The Micah game most likely to end in broken bones
(6) Butler vs (11) Arkansas
Layup's $500 on the Money Line Game
(4) Notre Dame vs (13) UMass
Wiz's ACC/Mid-Atlantic Lock
(8) St Mary's vs (9) Miami-FL
The Gus Johnson Game
(6) Gonzaga vs (11) UAB
The 7-10 Game no one cares about
(7) BYU vs (10) Arizona St
The 9:00 on Thursday first upset of the Tournament
(6) Washington St vs (11) Illinois St
The Game no one but Eric cares about
(8) South Alabama vs (9) Baylor
The Eric Unload on a Random Over/Under
(2) Texas vs (15) Austin Peay
Fascinating discussion on MSNBS right now... Keith Olberman asks Chris Matthews if Hillary will think about quitting for the good of the party.
Chris: "It's been decades - decades- since politics was a team sport".
A great line.
It's election day!
1) Saw a Hillary commercial the other day. It was set in rural Ohio with lots of hills - think anything south of Columbus and east of Cincinnati. Chillicothe? Portsmouth? Anyway, they had several folks - men and women - appear and laud Hillary.
However, one think struck me. That commercial featured a few blue-collar, beer drinking 50-year old union males that were talking positively about Hillary. It's just very hard for me to picture these sort of men walking into the voting booth and voting for Hillary. The cultures, the genders, the styles are just too ..... different.
2) I don't think anyone should underestimate the importance of NAFTA/Free Trade as a campaign issue here in Ohio. We can debate intelligently all we want about the issue, but it is an accepted fact that NAFTA has caused a loss of jobs here in Ohio. People in those areas - especially NE and SE Ohio - are mad and pissed off. (Never mind the fact that cities like Columbus and NW Ohio are doing well in adapting.... look at Marysville and the new Honda plant, for example. What's the difference between the Marysville Honda plant and the Ford/GM plants in Cleveland or the Delco plants in Dayton? The lack of a union....)
The Ohio election may come down to the fact that Hillary -and her husband - is associated with passing NAFTA back in 1993. As an Ohio resident at the time, I was against NAFTA......because of the "giant sucking sound" that would be heard in these sorts of states. These states - and the people in them - would not accept that the world is changing around them and they would have to be retrained. Because of this, NAFTA would be hastening the loss of jobs that probably would be coming gradually......and I would like to have seen that be postponed as much as possible, since I live here.
Once again, it looks like the greatest Presidential candidate of the last 20 years, Mr. H Ross Perot, was right.
Went into the polls today with Freddie and Warren as I took them to day care. I let them touch the voting screen and "vote" for all the uncontested races.
I told them I was voting for John McCain for President.
"But who is Mommy voting for?" asked Freddie.
Well, I'm not sure. We will have to ask her when she gets home tonight.
"I think she's going to vote for Hillary", Freddie said.
Question: who do I have a serious talk with first? With Janice to make sure this is false? Or Freddie for actually naming Hillary unprompted?
F and J truths revealed!
Mar 3, 2008
So I end up leaving work early to meet up with him and he is a mess. I ask him to tell me what happened. Apparently he and his friend started out a bar in Dana Point, picked up two 40 year old women and ended up back at his place. He then went on to tell me that they were partying pretty late at his place with the two girls and the drummer from Scorpions. What??? The drummer from Scorpions? Are you serious? And to think he was going to quickly brush over this and move onto his girlfriend walking in on him? Umm, no. I want more details.
Derek: What happened to him?
Ben: I think he left pretty late.
Derek: So you're telling me that you out-partied the drummer from Scorpions?
Ben: Well I guess, but I want to get back to explaining...
Derek: Man, I was hoping this story would be something like we had to dispose of the body since he is still in my bathtub. Had to kill, had to get it on.
Ben: Uh, no.
Derek: Man, I wish I came out with you last night
Ben: Uh, no you don't. Last night was the worst night of my life.
Derek: How could that be. You partied with the drummer from the Scorpions.
Ben: Do you even like the Scorpions?
Derek: No.
Ben: Then who cares?
Derek: Man, the drummer from Scorpions. Do you mind if I blog about this?
Ben: Whatever.
Well this helped us laugh for awhile before getting back to his girlfriend. And lets just say that this was the highlight of our conversation as the "caught cheating" stories are all the same and very depressing.
Now this is the second musician we have seen in our parts here in Dana Point. Ben, Carol, and I saw Richie Sambora last year at the Salt Creek Grill. Is this the retirement community for ex-hair band musicians?
Mar 2, 2008
Glenngary Glenn Ross