Jul 26, 2007

Who's NOW, ESPN?

Remember the NBA playoffs where San Antonio and Phoenix met in the second round? There were plenty of outcries for the NBA to effectively stop the playoffs, since the SA-Phx series was the de facto final. (and they were probably right).

Well, ESPN should just stop this idiotic Who's NOW? series and just go right to the finals. Who is more NOW than these two people:

Tim Donagey
Michael Vick

Forget anything else. These two will be leading SportsCenter for the next, oh, 6 weeks. I don't think you can get anymore NOW than that.

By the way, Wilbon - I hope those checks ESPN is giving you for this are good. You've lost a lot of credibility with this crap.


dzahn07 said...

We should have a who's now here at FJ. vick, Donagey, Bonds, Giambi, the entire Tour de France biking team, Schilling, Pacman, Sheffield, and Brett Myers.

Eric Z said...

that's 9....let's round it out to 16.

Terrell Owens
A-Rod (but is he hated enough?)
Elijah Dukes

Ron Artest

Chris Henry

and then of course

RRD said...

Haven't been following too closely, but what has Wilbon done to besmirch his credibility? He'll express an opinion, but he is calculated.