Jul 27, 2007

Next week activities

Tomorrow starts "Golf Week" for me - a possible 7 rounds in 7 days. This weekend is the Crooked Tree club championship - the local course where we have our church league on Mondays. Greens are slow.....

And then Monday begins my annual pilgrimage to Apple Valley for the Ohio Public Golfer's Tournament. Monday afternoon is the practice round - with Dad, Steve and Kermit. Last year going home, Steve totaled his car in Apple Valley getting sideswiped by the Mt Vernon golf coach's daughter....... at least it resulted in the Bucha family getting a new Saab.

The tourney starts Tuesday, with over 230 people teeing off. The top 120 make it to Thursday, and the top 60 to Friday. Dad usually drives the cart (and if I'm not pissed at him, I'll ride along with him...). He indicated that he should be ok "to walk a round or two and carry the bag".....uh, I'm not sure about that.

I thought my game was coming around until last night at the range - the good news is that I was hitting consistent drives! The bad news is that I topped 3 3-woods in a row. That's a nice, confident feeling.

On a related note, my brother-in-law's wife (is that my sister in law? This is Janice's brother's wife - is she a sister in law oifficially? I have no idea how that works) is leaving this weekend for a week trip......to meditate. For 9 days she will be at a meditation retreat. No phones, TV, computers, etc. And - at the retreat - no talking. 9 days of silence.

I'm not sure I could go 3 hours at a place like that. And I could sneak my pager in - that's silent. Every 5 minutes I could excuse myself to go to the restroom and pull the pager out of my pants...... what?

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