Jul 16, 2007


Ahhh what a weekend. Saturday was one of the better days of the summer so far. While BuckSuperStereo was off being a man, I was relaxing poolside getting sloshed on the High Life. God I love that beer.

The picture below was later on in the day after I was completely bombed. We ended up playing probably the stupidest game in the world called "Ball" (yes this was worse than Back to the Wall). This is where we stand around in a circle and try to keep a ball in the air for as long as we can while someone counts. The prior record was 81. We shattered that record by getting 114. And you would of thought we won the World Series. The guys were doing chest bumps and pouring beer on one another, while the girls were just screaming. Ahhhh, the life in the OC.

And no, I have no idea why I'm wearing Lee's MD visor and sunglasses in the pool.

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