Jul 12, 2007

Baseball is back

Why can't baseball fix the All Star break issue. I absolutely hate this three day period. The homerun derby is unwatchable and the game is OK, but I want real baseball. So I'm probably one of the happiest guys in the US today knowing that the games start back up tonight. Ahhhh...all is well.

Anyway, is anyone else excited about the Simpson's movie? I can't get that Homer line out of my head. "Spider pig, Spider pig, doing whatever a Spider pig does." Last night while spending some quality time with the wife, I had that stuck in my head. At probably the most inopportune time I just started to laugh because I just kept on repeating this line in my head. Made for an interesting explanation on my end.


Buck Super Stereo said...

i got that inappropriateness beat, prolly.

stern plays a clip of porn star nick manning a lot and it's completely infectious. his catch phrase is "droppin' loads." that's usually followed with "all over your face" "on your fucking face" "all over your tits" and such.

its really good to think of that when you yourself are ready to drop a load. the wife really liked me laughing and then explaining. she doesn't quite get the porn thing so she just thought me silly.

Buck Super Stereo said...

oh....and yes to the break. who cares anymore?

and yes to the simpsons movie. i can't wait. which is odd, because i don't think i've watched a full episode of reruns in 4 years or an ep of new stuff in about 5.