Jul 8, 2007

Optimus Prime

Went and saw Transformers on Friday with Ben. Not bad. If you ever watched the cartoon, then its worth going to see just for Optimus Prime. A little disappointed with Megatron as he never transformed into a gun and was only in the movie for a short period of time. Plus they were stealing music from other movies. I swear I heard the Terminator and Star Wars music in there somewhere. I guess I can't expect too much more out of Michael Bay. Ugh.

And this weekend seemed to be like a flash back to my college days.

1. Friday- Ben and I decide to see Transformers and get some Jack Daniels and Captain Morgan to sneak into the movies. Ben was a little too excited about the idea since he finished his 32+ ounce drink before the movie started. Not good. He was reeking of Jack as the previews were starting.
2. I on the otherhand tried to pace myself, but it didn't work. I was completely hammered by the mid point of the movie. When I tried to put my drink back in the cup holder, I accidentally put it on the knee of the kid sitting next to me. I don't know how long I left it there. This poor 15 year old kid must of been scared to death.
3. Went to Denny's afterwards and proceeded to eat large amounts of breakfast food. I had Moons My Over MyHammies with cheese hash browns and a side of pancakes. Cleared it in about 15 minutes. I'm still trying to recover from this meal.
4. Ben comes over on Saturday at 11:00am and we run it back. Ugh.

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