Jul 8, 2007

Sunday Evening Ramblings

1. Yes, I will be Tivoing "The Bronx is Burning". Don't know why, but I'm intrigued.
2. For those MTV fans out there, Ben and I bumped into LC's little sister from Laguna Beach. One of the high notes on Saturdays' drunkest.
3. Die David Weathers, Die!!!!
4. Its great to see BuckSuperStereo back alive and kicking.
5. Carol comes home tomorrow!!! Yeah.
6. It is sad that when I saw the poll that 45% of Americans believe that President Bush should be impeached, my reaction was "Oh well, maybe". While I think the criticism is unjust for the Libby deal, since every president has made some very poor choices in this category, I do believe he has fucked up the immigration deal and the Iraq War, which probably shouldn't result in impeachment, but right now, I really don't care. He is useless.
7. If you like the Office, enjoy.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

*Stewie voice on*

Oh yes, yes, please, since the Yanks are mostly out of the baseball spotlight this year, let's CREATE more Yankee interest! Capital! Since the '07 Yanks are no good, let's monopolize the heart of the baseball season by talking about the '77 Yanks! You think this is interesting? Cute? I'm going to crap double for you tonight!

* Stewie off

I was furious when I was watching the NBA Finals - in Cleveland - and that big floor-side billboard on the table had advertisements for "The Bronx Is Burning"... IN CLEVELAND DURING THE FINALS.

Hint to ESPN: Get a Map. Put a dot on:
- Trenton, NJ
- Scranton, PA
- Rochester, NY
- Montpelier, VT
- Hartford, CT
- Cape May, NJ
Now connect those dots.

Now - no one outside those dots cares about what happened in NY in 1977. Period.

I mean, if ESPN showed a movie called "The Best of Times, the Worst of Times", documenting the fall of 1995 where Cleveland went to the World Series for the first time in 41 years and lost their beloved football team, do you think anyone in, say, Austin TX would care?

What's the difference?

PS - Ving Rhames would play Albert Belle. And Martin Landau could play Art Modell, I think. And Clarence Thomas should be Mike White.