Jul 23, 2007

Strange Dream

Crazy Nicoderm dream last night. I'm still trying to figure out what it meant, but here is the story.

Carol dies. Don't know how, but she dies. Next thing I know I'm with the Benson family since Chad also died. Very strange since nobody was crying or anything like that, just standing around chatting. Then Amy (Brad's sister, not my ex) stands up and tells us that Chad and Carol's last wishes were to make sure that all of their friends go by new nicknames and she hands out an envelope with people's new nicknames in it. The only one I remember was for Mark Larson, who needs to be called "The Professor".

I couldn't go back to sleep after this, and now I have this very bad feeling that someone is going to die. So everyone please be careful, watch your back, and don't fly down to South America.


The Dudeman said...

Maybe no one actually died, but Chad and Carol died in a metaphorical sense. Their human forms "died" because they became X-Men which caused us to find out that Mark is actually "Professor" Xavier. And they wanted all their friends to go by new nicknames because they had each taken on a new name as part of their X-Men indoctrination. There ya go, dream fully explained. My work here is done.

neild said...

The Dudeman may be right on this. Besides, I've always thought of Mark as "The Professor" anyway, so it's not a big change for me.

Also, I assume the South America reference relates to the Brazilian aviation problems and not some other aspect of your dream. I am flying to South Africa next month, but nothing bad ever happens flying there (editor's note: That is officially known as a self-gooch).