Jul 2, 2007

First, I stumbled across this link and it totally reminded me of Carol's nephew Drake. For those that know him, wow. If you don't it is still pretty funny.

Secondly, I'm not too sure what it is, but I miss Carol. I feel a little depressed with her not around. It might be that or the fact that Justin Ducherser is having season ending hip surgery and the A's are out of it. Or it could be that our fantasy baseball team is probably out of it as well. Or it could be that I just ate too much and I couldn't fit into my shorts that I had to put on to run down Carol's cats from getting hit by a car for the 20th straight night. I really don't know right now.

And as I say goodnight to the West Coast, I will leave you with this question to ponder. Is Flight of the Conchords a wonderful comedy or a rip off of Tenacious D? I want to like it, but its just a little too cute and I have a feeling like I'm going to hate the show after a while. But right now I really do fancy their songs.


Buck Super Stereo said...

i had the same point about conchords with my neighbors tonight. i want to like, but haven't been blown away yet. after talking to them, i decided that i like it. here's why:

1) of the 4 of us talking, nobody else liked it. when i'm on the fence, that definitely puts me in the opposite direction.

2) robot song/video. that was just great. not quite intergalactic keith lucas, keith lucas intergalactic great. but still fun.

3) i live accents and guys with a lifestyle i could never have.

4) curb starts back up when this is over. i may as well enjoy the time.

it's so kind that you miss your wife. didn't you once side with ben that married people suck?

dzahn07 said...

Actually Curr, it was the food I ate, because I feel much better tonight.

dzahn07 said...

Oh and most married people do suck.

RRD said...

Glad you posted on FotC. The show has a tentative likeability. The first few episodes I compare to the first few episodes (that I saw, at least) of 'How I Met Your Mother', which I think is a fantastic show. It has been humorous, but nothing truly memorable. It needs a show with a takeaway song/bit that can be referred to, without naming the show, along the lines of Barney's bachelor pad or the Canadian Mall video.

Show does seem good though.