Jul 28, 2007

Weekend Comments

1. Say what you want about the Sportsguy's article, but his podcasts are starting to get better. I was very hesitant to download those but since he wasn't writing every week, I started to check it out. I thought the Adam Corolla one was terrible, but to see how far he has come with the most recent one, Michael Wilborn, it is amazing. For you DC boys, download the Wilborn podcast and you will not be disappointed. Very good. I am now hooked. Good job Sportsguy!!! And Eric, you are starting to sound like Dad. "Podcasts? I don't know how it works. I can't get it to work. I'm going to put my head in the sand and ignore it."

2. Two things. First, I can't believe that Family Feud is still on. Second, when did Louie Anderson stop hosting it? The guy from Seinfeld, Mr. Petterson, is the host. And why haven't we gotten a team to on that?

3. Wiz, I'm extremely jealous of your World Series of Mini Golf tournament. I'm still waiting for my invitation. I would absolutely fly across country to play in that.

4. 240 muscle bound softball girl (Godzilla) vs. very short and stocky goth girl (ramo). Which one do you find more attractive. I was thinking about this the other day when I watched two groups of high school girls cross the street. One was a bunch of goth girls and the other was the softball team. And boy, this is a tough one. Some more information for you, the goth girl was wearing a tiny skirt and a belly shirt. Her legs were the size of tree trunks. Very disgusting. And no, I wasn't camping out at the local high school. This was on my way home from work.

5. Bronx is Burning- I like it. Not too bad. I'm a fan.


Eric Z said...

Hey now - I can play the podcast on my computer....I've haen't been able to save them to listen at a later date, however...That's the next step.

(and yes, I feel myself sounding more and more like Dad with these things every day.)

Family Feud: No, I thought Richard Kern (the sidekick from Home Improvement) was hosting it now....I'll have to check.

By the way, I heard that Mr Peterson from Seinfeid came in second in the "Price is Right" hosting derby. He wouldn't be a bad one either....

Woman choice: I guess I'd take the softball girl over the goth one. I'd be scared of the goth girl, personally. I mean, you never know where hair is going to appear on the goth girl. But jees, what a bad choice. I bet the softball girl had arm, knee, ankle, and shoulder pads on while walking the street. I bet she looked like that psycho chick on "Temptation Island" - remember her? I think that's the stereotype of a college softball girl.

skeetskeet11 said...

I do heart Godzilla...

Wiz said...

Derek, world series of mini-golf was a tradition unlike any other. SS Andy and myself played 148 holes of mini-golf while the girls were on the beach. We played skins and also a couple 18-hole stroke play matches. Possibly one of the all time great days of my life. By the end of the day, we knew every break over the 36-hole track. I would highly suggest taking a trip to Professor Hackers on 136th street. I prefer the Diamond Course over the Gold Course.