Sep 26, 2005

Wild Card

Pretty interesting article by Aaron Gleeman over at I don't agree with his rant, because I think the Wild Card is great, but for the AL this year, it really does take something away from the AL East and Central races, when you know that 3 out of 4 teams will make the playoffs, instead of just 2 out of 4.

Couterpoint to his argument, which he even points out is the NL races. All of the races are basically wrapped up, except for the Wild Card. This is usually how it is, except for this year with two excellent races in the AL.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

Good article. He never fails to impress.

I've been checking out recently, to see the probabilities of the Tribe getting to the playoffs. Cool Standings was a site referred by Aaron in a past post on hardball times.

Depending on how you predict future games, the Tribe has between an 80-88% of making the playoffs.

Unfortunately, it was 93% late last week....