Sep 4, 2005


Has anyone seen any sort of show of support from any other nation? Has anyone made any sort of official offer of condolences?

Not that they are comparable in scope, but when the tsunami hit, the United States led the relief efforts both in action (military and volunteer relief efforts) and financial assistance (I know that the financial part was sketchy to begin with) for countries that we are friendly with (India) as well as countries who hate us (Indonesia). We willingly lent our power and shared our wealth with whomever was in need, regardless of politics, race or religion. Now, I'm not asking for money from anyone else, or even assistance, but just some show of support would be nice. Everyone expects the U.S. to do everything for everyone else, but I think that we should all remember the underwhelming response from rest of the world when we have a problem. Fuck them.


Buck Super Stereo said...
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Buck Super Stereo said...

dammit, that last post was supposed to be a link to a CNN article.