Sep 20, 2005

10 Things I didn't know 4 days ago....

1. Despite being somewhat entertaining, I'm now including football as topics that the BSG has no idea about. I trusted him this weekend and used his picks in a pickem pool and did OK, but not great. In another pickem pool I did my own, and won 10 games.

2. I truly hate ESPN. Last night's Katrina telethon was terrible. Who was that lady hosting? Ugh.... And I have nothing against women, but they should not be doing sports. Suzy Kolburn is horrible. Maybe its not her and just sideline reporters.

3. This USC team might be the best college team that I have seen ever. If you get a chance to watch them, it's worth your time. Here is a quote from the Arkansas coach " I’ve never been part of anything like this, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, some of it was self-inflicted, and some of it was flat-out helplessness. We couldn’t stop them. "
It got to a point where it didn’t matter what was called, Nothing was working, and they were beating us every which way, with a receiver, with a running back. They executed. We didn’t. They got us down so fast and in a hurry that I think it really gutted our spirit pretty good."

4. So, the byproduct of Katrina is an over-reaction by all other towns and the news to any storm that hits the coast. What will happen to the weather guys who continues to get the paths and the severity of these storms wrong? Instead of people just being dismissing these guys, they are now going to be the fall guy because it will be costing families and businesses money and time lost. Or will there be a huge clash with local government on their mandatory evacuations?

5. I know Eric won't say anything, so I will. How about those Indians? 2.5 games. Crazy!!!!!!

6. Crosby is back for the A's and Harden is very close. This weekend's series with the Angels is going to be intense. If I didn't have to go to Palm Springs, I think I would make the trip up to Oakland.

7. Was at the Salt Creek Cafe yesterday with my parents, and my mom struck up a conversation with the hostess about recognizing one part of the place where Alex and Jason from Laguna Beach made out, and the hostess told her that she was right (fucking crazy conversation that deserves its own post). She also said that they were in last week taping season 3. I think my mom and I are the only people really excited about that.

8. Jay and I might be sending Eric some letters of apology for slamming his prediction on winning the AFC North.

9. Was supposed to play golf today at Mesa Verde country club, but for the third time in a row, my Dad and I get rained out in CA. Severe Thunderstorms and major wind and rain....In fucking SoCal. What the Hell??? Last time was at Riviera Country Club in LA. My dad is currently a walking rain machine.

10. Why can't they create a normal hybrid or electric car? Don't they understand that people might want to drive one of these if they didn't look so bad? And When will Lexus or BMW decide to put out a luxury electric car.


RRD said...

In response to your last musing, does anyone really know what vehicles are currently Hybrid and which aren't? Is the Accord Hybrid, or is it the Civic? You rip a Hybrid decal off a Civic and slap it on my Tahoe and I doubt cops would look twice on the 95 HOV.

Yes, I know there is no reason to keep capitalizing Hybrid.

Eric Z said...

Or a clash between government officials and reporters...

Check this press conference out.....