Jan 29, 2006

World Baseball Classic

Am I the only person excited about this? Austin and I picked up tickets for the games in early March at Anehiem, so I'm starting to pay a little more attention to the rosters and other crap like that, I'm really getting excited about it. Could this eventually turn into something like the World Cup or the European Championship? Which would you prefer?
1. Every 2 to 4 years each country puts together an all-star team and plays for the championship in March (World Cup style)
2. Each league's champion from around the world plays in late October or November for a true World Series (European Championship style).

Eric thinks that option one is too much like the Olympics and the Dream Team stuff and how serious are the players going to take this. I tend to agree with him. All its going to take is the US to lose and the baseball writers are going to be all over everyone and then certain players won't play and then it will be a waste of time. But if we go with option 2, I think it will bring a little more interest. Who are you going to support, the Yanks or the Australian League Champs? Rob Dibble on Friday said that teams that play in the World Series could easily play another 20-25 games since they are on such a high on winning the WS.


1 comment:

RRD said...

I question the interest the event will garner in the US. I know the comparison is a stretch, but the US doesn't seem to be getting too fired up for national events (Winter Olympics). What will be really sad is the first major injury that becomes the de facto excuse not to play, as it is during the portion of the year when injuries are limited to falling off treadmills and punching judges. I have no doubt the games won't affect position players, but wonder about the impact on pitchers' arms.