Jan 2, 2006

Tivo Question

One quick Tivo question:

What are the rules involving 2 people and Tivo, when one person leaves for two weeks? Is it expected that all of the shows are saved and ready to go for the one person coming back, or is it OK for the other person to just let the old shows fall off and be erased?


Buck Super Stereo said...

being a TiVo owner myself, i know that the wife would get smacked around if i returned from a trip and my shows weren't there. something that gets out of hand like the daily show is forgivable since those can add up pretty quickly, but some others that i can't live without like pimp my ride and inked, heads would roll.

Zeitgeber said...

I would be so mad if any of my tivo stuff got deleted. Highlight this and send it to Jon.