Jan 11, 2006

Adam Corolla

So Adam Corolla takes over the Stern time slot on free FM out here and is doing a hell of a job. I've always liked Corolla but found it so strange that I will listen to him on radio, but find his TV stints sub-par. I've listened to his show over the last 3 days during my 30 minute commute and I can honestly say that the show is better than the Stern show has been over the last couple of years.


Eric Z said...

So is he still doing the late night sex talk show with Dr. Drew?

Buck Super Stereo said...

i got sirius for my bday. and stern is great thus far. its not as over-the-top as one would think, but its just more conversational and such.

he's been playing the unedited pat o'brien tapes and creating songs with it. today, he played....

hello, by the doors.
hello, i love you, won't you sit on my face.

hot, hot, hot
you know you want it, come on and take it, just suck my cock.

great stuff. i'd love to hear corolla as well. diamond dave blows thus far. but now that stern started this week, i haven't needed to listen to that drivel anyway.