Jan 5, 2006

Baby Shit....

So tell me if I'm justified in being pissed off or being more like Larry David....

A close friend of mine, who will remain nameless, had a baby girl recently and since I'm a lazy fuck I didn't send him a gift right away since I knew I was going to see him during Christmas. So I see him down in Columbia and I gave him a gift card to Nordstrom since I'm not picking out an outfit or diapers and I'm sure they have toys since it was right before Christmas. About 7 days later I go to his house in Arlington to see his wife and kid and as we go out to pick up some pizza I asked him what did he buy his kid with the gift certificate. His response was "Oh yeah, about that. I spent it. I picked up a couple of shirts. Don't tell Katie." I'm like "What the fuck dude? That's for your kid? Now your wife thinks that I didn't give your kid anything???" After we were both done laughing and I assured him that I wouldn't tell his wife, but I would sell him out on the blog. So what do I do? Do I tell his wife? Do I pick up another gift and ship it to his house? Or do I just sit back and hold it over his head and cash in during our Vegas trip?


Buck Super Stereo said...

fuck em. you did what you needed to do. and i'm impressed that you even got them a giftcard. if he used it on himself, then so be it (i've done that myself). you acknowlegded the occassion and it was decided to use the gift in the best way possible. think about it this way...by using the gift card selfishly, that freed up real money to buy things needed for the baby. besides, what are you gonna get for a baby at nordstom's...a hundred dollar binkie?

and you, sir, are no larry david. not bald and/or skinny enough. and nowhere near clever enough. you're good. but not "pick up a hooker to ride in the car to use the HOV lane to get to the game quicker" good.

RRD said...

Give his coworker permission to kick him in the nuts at the office.

dzahn07 said...


Other Brad said...

Ironic, didn't he gift you a Nordstrom shirt for Christmas???

Would that count as a re-gift?

Did you the shopping service they provide while you drank you Starbucks?

dzahn07 said...

No Jon gave me a Nordstroms shirt after I gave the gift to Lee.

skeetskeet11 said...

A couple of things on this.
1. Fuck everyone but Chris, Jay and Eric. When you have kids, you can comment on this.
2. Notice how Chris has done this before?
3. Seriously, what was I going to get her at Nordstrom's?
4. You'll be happy to know that I took your criticism to heart and made a contribution equal to the amount of the gift card to her 529 plan. So your money will end up helping to pay for her college. (I hope she gets a scholarship and I end up blowing the money on a Porsche or something.)