Jan 10, 2006

Happy B-Day

Happy Birthday to Eric!!!!! Despite arguing half the time on stupid shit like "Will Charlie Frye be the Browns starting QB next year" or "What are the odds of 2 people getting each other in Secret Santa", I truly appreciate how we have remained so close over the last 5 years. Oh and the Christmas present and B-Day presents are running a little late. Left the Colin M. signed golf balls up in Westlake.

Also, congrats to Jon and Suz on their engagement over the holiday season.


RRD said...

Happy Birthday!

Does it seem like there are a preponderance of January birthdays? I feel 60% of my friends (myself included) were born in January. It leads to the multiple birthday celebration dinner party, i.e. Ryan at a Cheescake-equivalent restaurant.

skeetskeet11 said...

Happy birthday, Eric!

BTW, in an office of about 45 people, two people sitting directly next to each other picked each other's names for our office Secret Santa. It was a blind draw of slips of paper from an envelope.

skeetskeet11 said...

Congrats to Jon and Suz!

Thought that it was kinda bush league that your engagement got buried with Eric's birthday, so I thought that it deserved a separate comment.

Eric Z said...

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes! I see that ESPN celebrated by putting my picture on their front page - the Browns fan with the vice through his head.

I have been thinking about the secret santa problem when I jog... how to best solve this one? It seems easy, but when you try to do the math, it all falls apart...