Sep 20, 2006

Mazda RX 7

When did this car become a classic? I remember my ex girlfriend's friend had one and he thought that he was the shit. I would just sit there scratch my head and just smile so not to cause any waves. Yesterday I received a complaint call from one of our insureds who got in an accident that totaled out his 1992 Mazda RX 7. We had given him a market value of $4,000. He said that this was too low. So I asked him how much is he asking for and what proof does he have to support it. Well he stated that it was worth $40,000. $40,000 for a 92 Mazda??? Why??? He went on to tell me that these are classic cars and that he restored the car and it cost him close to $40,000. I was so stunned by his stupidity that I responded with "Sir, I can rebuild a 90 Toyota Camry for $120,000 if I bought all the parts piece by piece, but this doesn't mean that it is worth $120,000. Its still a 90 Camry. " I also went on to explain the true definition of a classic car and how he had to get it appraised and titled differently. He actually understood and shortly hung up feeling like an idiot.


RRD said...

So that is where my $39,967 of blow went.

dzahn07 said...

The last time I saw your Probe it was in bad shape. This is what we call a "rolling total" and would give you $500 for it. I can't believe you still have it.